Share your task / todo workflows

Cool to see what other people are doing! I've been doing GTD with Joplin too, very happy with it thus far. I just use Notebooks for all my contexts. Then just a few more Notebooks: one for waiting, one for closed, one for projects, one for someday/maybe, and that pretty much sums me up. I like to note a time estimate on each of my next actions when I'm doing GTD, so I just put a " - 30m" at the end of the title (e.g. for 30 minutes) -- all very low-tech like that, so far. I've only been at it for a few months yet with Joplin, and GTD has been an ever-developing (and sometimes stop-and-start) learning process for me over the years, so I'm sure a lot of what I'm doing will change over time as I continue to learn about Joplin and more importantly, about myself.

One thing I really like -- in addition to the syncing of course -- is the ability to easily have all my notes in Joplin. Which can include extended bullet lists, paragraphs, tables, images, checklists, files attached, everything. I keep an extensive "General Notes" section, outside of my immediate GTD projects/actions/someday-maybe scheme. Some things I like to do with it are:

  • Compile extended "Planning and execution notes" around certain projects, that are too big and complex to fit in my GTD project note.
  • Record and organize "Ideas", things that don't quite make it onto the "Somday/Maybe" list, because I never want to necessarily see them in my weekly-, or monthly-, or 3-monthly-reviews, but I still like to have them and browse them sometimes.
  • Curate a "Reference" list of key info that I know I'll probably be coming back to, repeatedly, for a long time or forever.

I love having the further ability to link to any of these easily from within a to-do or project, search them, sync them, and all the other niceness that comes with being all integrated within Joplin.

Slightly off-topic but I also consider essential to my Joplin usage for any and all purposes, @JackGruber's awesome backup plugin, because I would be screwed if I lost all my notes one day (and who ever does manual backups?).

Something I wish I had, is an easier/cleaner way to transfer emails and their attachments directly into Joplin (imagining something sorta like the amazing Joplin web clipper browser extension). I wish I knew how to write Thunderbird extensions, that'd be first on my list.

I don't actually use Note Overview almost at all yet, but I think that's mainly because my Joplin GTD so far is only for home (at work I'm still using Outlook/OneNote for my GTD) so I'm less overloaded and don't have to prioritize/track due dates with such ruthless efficiency. At work with Outlook, I have so many open tasks I find the need to use due dates and priority markers on them pretty heavily, and then use overviews to see all my upcoming due dates across contexts. If I ever adopt Joplin for work, or even if I don't, I see task due dates and due date overviews in my Joplin future, so I'll take inspiration from you on how to implement that.

Great idea for a thread! Thanks