Safari App Extension for Joplin now available

Hi, This is David....

did some testing on this issue......

  1. it works, but not as expected....
  • if a webpage is open already before Joplin is started on the device (both iPad and MacBook Pro) and Clipper is clicked then it will not work... ONLY NEW PAGES opened after the JOPLIN Server (device version) is running then the pages will be clipped...
  1. Is there a way we can change this...error message or something?? I am willing to help with debug...
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Yes, this is an issue with my Clipper. I'm not entirely sure why that happens. I suspect the problem is that extension is not able to access the full DOM in Safari if the page is already loaded, but I haven't confirmed that.

I mostly get around it by refreshing/reloading the page then using the Clipper again. Since it is then basically a "new page" the Clipper seems to work.

I'm somewhat booked at the moment, but if I get a chance to revisit this, I'll reach out for any help.




I have installed your Github extension and it honestly works great! I liked Thank you!!!

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Could you add this information to the README file in the repo. That generally where most people will look for them.

Also, it looks like 0.3.0 doesn't have an app binary. Ref - Release v0.3.0 · cweirup/JoplinSafariWebClipper · GitHub

Sorry, I'm not understanding what information you are looking for in the README. What are you looking for in there?

There is no binary for 0.3.0, as I've found some issues with its updated Authorization handling. I should probably remove that tag, but it did have an approach that I might expand on in the future.

Usually a README file has a section called "installation" with instructions on how to install it. Looking at the readme here - JoplinSafariWebClipper/ at master · cweirup/JoplinSafariWebClipper · GitHub I don't see any instructions.

However, the post I replied to contained instructions.

Just unzip, move the executable to the Applications folder, and run the app once. You’ll be prompted to enable it in Safari Extensions, then you should be good to go.

Which would be useful to include in the readme. Probably the first thing end users want to know is "how do I get the extension?" , next "how do I install it?" and finally "how do I use it? "

Okay, now added.

Thanks a lot. I ran to the same issue at first.

New release (v0.4.0) of the Extension to support persisting the authentication (finally!). You should only need to authenticate the Extension once now, not every time you restart Joplin or Safari, which I know was one big downside for using it. Thanks!


The latest Clipper release (v0.4.0) may stop working once you refreshed the API Token in Joplin Application Settings.

Re-installing the clipper will not fix it as the outdated token is still stored via this Apple utility: UserDefaults | Apple Developer Documentation

To update the token execute this from the command line:

defaults write com.cweirup.Joplin-Clipper-Extension apiToken <new token>

Any chance that one could capture the author, date and website at the top of the clip?

Most web clippers don't do that (and there's probably a reason for that).