Request ability to display note creation date in List view

"Gee, we suspect users must have the ability to view notes entered in date sequential view".

That is already available. I sort my note list by last updated.

What is not currently available is seeing these other fields in the note list. But with Joplin 2.13 (currently in beta), this should be possible, and I'm sure a plugin (if not multiple plugins) will be developed to customize note list views.

This has been discussed before, including very recently. The more features you put into the core app, the more work is required to maintain the app. Remember, this is a free open source app with a very small team of devs, not a corporation with hundreds of devs. If these are features some users don't use, then that's just bloating the app from their perspective. That said, it seems there are plans to incorporate some of the most frequently used plugins into the core.