Removing tags from the sidebar in desktop app?

There were a few posts on forum saying that tags could be better used in separate panel from notebooks [1], [2], [3], [4]. That would mean a user could temporarily hide them, potentially increasing overall performance and still having tag panel for those who need it right where it was.

I wonder what people think of how tags displayed right now on mobile (separate menu opened by button in sidebar)? Is It comfortable, is it useful?
I personally find it less overwhelming than notebook list, but I don't rely on tags so much.

I rarely access tags in sidebar currently. But I think it is because it's hard to access them at the bottom of sidebar. I need to collapse all notebook trees and scroll excessively to get to them, so about 5-10 seconds to use a single tag.

I do want to have a separate place where I could manage tags with more space and more features yet having some sort of panel for quick access is essential in my opinion. But in any case, whatever you will do, I'll make it work :slightly_smiling_face:

I think there's a good example in other software for the feature.
Consider modern browsers, they all came to single paradigm of "bookmarks" for some reason. They all have several ways to access bookmarks:

(right now we're almost here) side panel to keep an eye on

side panel to access bookmarks in Firefox

an optional bar to access a few key bookmarks

optional bookmarks bar in Firefox

full fledged bookmark manager on a separate page to clean the structure, naming, etc.

preview in Brave

On mobile, the bookmarks are usually shoved aside in a separate screen with 2-tap path to access it.

Firefox mobile