Project status

Hello there!
I'm now having a problem with syncing from desktop to Android, but it doesn't make sense to describe it for one reason - there have already been a plenty of issues posted on github in the last couple of years by different users on this topic and others which the developer(s) didn't even bother to answer (let alone fix) and they were closed by bots.
So I have a question for the developer(s) - what is the project's status? Have you abandoned it? If so, then post a message about it on the site and archive the github repository in order not to deceive new users like me who think that project is alive and issues are fixed.

We're still working on it!

Many of the sync issues remain unfixed because we haven't been able to reproduce them locally.

Here are some things that could be causing the issues:

Hypothesis 1: Incorrect date/time on some clients

In the past, an incorrect date/time on some clients have led to sync issues. Please double-check that all clients have roughly correct dates/times.

Hypothesis 2: Encryption/decryption issues

If you're using encryption, make sure that both the Android and desktop clients are up-to-date. See this forum post and this GitHub issue.

Hypothesis 3: Partially written files on the sync target

In the past, some users have had sync issues related to Joplin exiting after writing only part of a file. If some or all resources/notes aren't syncing, it's possible that a remote file is only partially written.

To see if this is the case, if you're using a sync target that has an associated file explorer (e.g. DropBox or OneDrive),

  1. If nothing is syncing and hypothesis 1 holds, info.json may be corrupted. To check this, locate info.json on the sync target and open it in a text editor. For example, on OneDrive, search for info.json and select the file in the correct folder

info.json should end with something like this:

		"updatedTime": 1688390911561

If you aren't using a sync target that has a file explorer, see this discussion.

  1. If only some files are syncing and hypothesis 1 holds, repeat step 1, but search for the note/resource IDs that aren't syncing instead. You can get the ID of a note by clicking the ⓘ icon in the desktop app:
    or by clicking "copy markdown link" on the mobile app.

On the sync target, an (encrypted) note should end with something like this:

encryption_applied: 1
type_: 1

a decrypted note should end similarly.

Resources (e.g. images/PDFs) will be formatted differently. If they're encrypted, they should end with "}.

I hope that this is helpful! If you have any further questions (or need help with anything included above), please let me know!


Heard this crappy evasion before. Reasons of bugs mustn't be found by reproducing, but by analyzing logs (which are present at least in the mobile app by the way), that's their primary purpose. And this argument is used by lazy developers who don't wanna do this.
In addition to that the issues I've told about are mostly unanswered, so you didn't try to reproduce them at all.
Another thing lazy developers do is make their users play a guessing game with their bugs. That is, they are giving them a list of recipes that possibly could help them fix these bugs without an attempt to identify the reason of it. This is just what you are doing right now. And I'm not playing this shitty game because it leads to a huge waste of time and frustration. And my time is valuable to me.
Hence the question - can you offer a better way of solving my issue?

The frustration is understandable but this is the reality of open source development. The developers have limited capabilities and are unable to focus on all reported issues in the same capacity, especially if they can't reproduce them easily. If you are sure that there is a problem and you want to get it fixed quickly, then the only real way to do so is to either code the fix yourself and push it to the project via a pull request or, if you're not a programmer, find a professional developer and pay them to do it for you.


I've seen one-man FOSS projects manage their shit successfully. So it's not because they can't do it, they just don't want to.
And paying to developers is reasonable for special features for your needs, not for core features that must work out of the box.

code the fix

You mean fix the code, don't you?

This is out of line, I'm closing this and consider it a warning.

I suggest you have a read of this - Open source is not about you