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What issue do you have?
project is not running on the android telling this is missing file. Please tell me how to solve this.
project is not running on the android telling this is missing file. Please tell me how to solve this.
Please describe what commands you ran
I was running yarn android in app-mobile folder.
Did you read the doc or just randomly trying commands? You need to follow the instructions here: Building the applications | Joplin
I tried the docs and now again i tried every thing from scratch but now yarn is stuck at link step.
and i tried all the possible way from my side.
Still don't know what you tried
I followed the docs and tried to set up with the commands given.
Ran the followinf commands
devbox shell
then after sucees of this command ran yarn in root directory and then packages/app-mobile i ran yarn
it is stucking at linking stage not proceeding after that.
While desktop app is running. It is giving error only in android.
For Android, it says to run this:
cd packages/app-mobile/android
./gradlew installDebug # or gradlew.bat installDebug on Windows
Did you try this?
yes i buld the projecct using this command also.
Is there any alternate for devbox shell because i am having to use wsl for this.
If there is any thing for windows powershell then i think it can run.
What if you try yarn buildParallel
Ok I'll try this. Thank you.
I tried all the ways explained in the docs and by you but on windows the project is not running. and on wsl it can't run, i am struggling since last 4 5 days in running the project on windows.
it there is any way to run on windows like docker or by any other please tell.
the main issue is devbox shell can't run on windows.
You could try this instead using a normal command prompt (no need for devbox shell). The last command will run installDebug automatically, and start an Android emulator if there is not one already running:
At the root of project: yarn install
cd packages/app-mobile
react-native run-android
Yes, initially i tried this and again i tried this and this is all i am getting.
it is not getting reload just showing reloading.
after some time emulator is showing not connected to development server.
can you give me enviornment variable i think this might be resolved by this.
Can you try in a normal command prompt rather than in VS code? It should open a node server terminal window when running the react-native run-android command. If you're not getting this, then close all terminal windows, and run these commands:
cd packages/app-mobile/android
yarn start
cd ..
react-native run-android
The yarn start command should start up the node server window. If that does not work then there is something wrong with your node installation / configuration
If you haven't already, be sure to run adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081
(see the React Native setup guide and the log message above).
Alternatively, if the change you want to make isn't Android-specific, you can start by developing with the web version of Joplin mobile (run yarn serve-web
from packages/app-mobile
ok i'll try this one.
But this is for web right? not for android.
It's literally written in your error message, on Android, so yes it's for Android.