Problems with Joplin Portable

Building the PAF package would need to be added to continuous integration, which requires development work and maintenance work, and again it’s not a good use of our time.

If someone, you or someone else, can add this to CI and maintain it over time, then maybe, but otherwise I don’t see that happening. We can’t put that much effort in supporting a platform, when those who own the platform are no longer around.

You make a few points here which I would like more explanation on but for now have you seen the post by John on the end of our thread over in PortableApps?

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I was surprised to see him post:
“ Please update and I’ll see about getting it released next week.”

Yes I was surprised too. Unfortunately I've just tried to build again the PAF package and it's not working for me. I'm getting errors like this:

Can't open script "Portable /DAppID=JoplinPortable /DVersion= D:\Programmes\PortableApps.comLauncher\Other\Source\PortableApps.comLauncher.nsi"

I've followed the doc there to build the launcher, but got that nsis error: Installing the Launcher — Launcher 2.2 documentation

And I've also tried to build the installer directly using Installer (portable software packager) | and no luck either (same nsis error)

I thought maybe their scripts are out-dated and there's some incompatibility with nsis but not sure. I won't look more into it for now, but if you want to give it a try, all the files that need to be packaged are there: joplin/Tools/PortableAppsLauncher at master · laurent22/joplin · GitHub

You just need to put the latest portable version of Joplin in App\Joplin\Joplin.exe, then in theory you can select the whole folder with the portableapps.com_installer app and it will build the paf package for you. In theory, because I couldn't get it to work.

Gave it a try and it worked for me. I will document the resources I used and the procedure I followed and post it sometime tomorrow.

That’s great, if you could post your findings I think as a first step we could manually build a release and send it to PortableApps. Then if the app can be accepted we’ll see about automating the process.

; Script to make latest PAF version of JoplinPortable using previous   RAL 2020-04-11
; done for Laurent at Joplin

; start by downloading:

; latest Joplin Portable version
; from

; last Dev Test to get files and structure
; from

#include <FileConstants.au3.>

$testDir = "D:\PA.c\PortableApps\JoplinPortableDevTest1"

$downloadDir = "D:\Roger\Downloads"


; don't know how to download the files from
; so lets use the ones in the last PortableApps dev test at

RunWait("JoplinPortable_1.0.85.0.paf.exe") ; have files extracted in Downloads

DirMove($downloadDir & "\JoplinPortable", $testDir)

; check files and structure in $testDir match Laurent's master ones

MsgBox(0, "MakePAF", "Check all files the same") ; they did bar he hasn't a Data dir

$version = FileGetVersion("JoplinPortable.exe", $FV_PRODUCTVERSION) ; gets 3 digit version


; Important - update appinfo.ini. version no. strings.

IniWrite("App\AppInfo\appinfo.ini", "Version", "PackageVersion", $version & ".0") ; has to be 4 digits or Installer Creater errors

; this one 'names' the final PAF file

IniWrite("App\AppInfo\appinfo.ini", "Version", "DisplayVersion", $version & " Dev Test 1")

; place the latest JoplinPortable in the App dir

FileMove($downloadDir & "\JoplinPortable.exe", "App\Joplin\Joplin.exe", $FC_OVERWRITE )

FileChangeDir ("..") ; up to PortableApps to run the installer creator

RunWait("PortableApps.comInstaller\PortableApps.comInstaller.exe") ; latest is version 3.5.16

RunWait("JoplinPortable_1.0.197_Dev_Test_1.paf") ; ran fine and Joplin started


Not so easy to read without the colouring, hope it helps

Sorry about the re-edits - just some typos

Thanks for sharing. The part that doesn’t work for me is when running PortableApps.comInstaller.exe.

The rest of it could be automated, for example I could set the version number in appinfo.ini when releasing the app.

I am at a loss to know what to suggest. (if you were on a Windows box I would suggest TeamViewing in!)
I have PortableApps Installer 3.5.16 installed next to the JoplinPortable folder and starting PortableApps.comInstaller.exe always works. Moving one of them up or down a level still works. Maybe there is some corruption in your PortableApps Installer? I would download PortableApps.comInstaller_3.5.16.paf.exe and run it to install a fresh copy. If that doesn’t work then there has to be something wrong in it’s access to your master files.

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I am trying to combine this with other issues related to the "Portable" version of Joplin in the hope that a solution will be found sooner; if you have any comments/suggestions, please see

Are there any news on this?