Pandoc markdown with preview and export

+1 for pandoc integration. I’ve recently started using markdown and notes / to do apps and I found Joplin very nice (congrats!). This has become my main note taking software however I must still rely on other tools to complement it. I would love to be able to do everything with Joplin alone. Currently missing features that prevent me from doing this at the moment are:

  • Sorting/searching by due dates, etc. but it seems this is coming soon (hopefully in desktop version as well, which is my platform of choice) : 2867 for managing to do lists (like Workflowy or Dynalist)
  • Side pane displaying document structure for easy navigation within a note (like in Word, Typora, etc.)
  • Wysiwyg editing: depending on context, it is sometimes nice to edit notes in wysiwyg, but this is underway (experimental editor just released)
  • More output formats (docx, odt) and improved pdf export (especially: document structure export to pdf for easy navigation in acrobat reader) => easiest way seem pandoc integration, like Zettlr and Typora do

For the last two items I currently use the “open in external editor” feature and use Typora but it would be great not to have to.