Note overview

I was wondering if it would be possible to add a regex filter for body/excerpt fields. This would enable us to filter in/out lines in a note body. For example only to retain the unchecked boxes - [ ], which was asked already.

Just dropping in to say how much I love this plugin. I keep finding new use cases for it. Thanks a lot!

Hi, I have a notebook called Reference Material that contains a long list of subnotebooks, which each contain notes. I would like to produce an index note that lists the notebook titles each with a dropdown list of their contents. I can do this manually, by adding a long long list of code like this:

<!-- note-overview-plugin
search: notebook:"A list or three"
fields: title
sort: title ASC
  text: "{{title}}"
  open: false
  summary: A list or three

with a new block for each subnotebook.

This is far from optimal and difficult to manage with about 50 subnotebooks. Especially given that, from time to time, I read through the notes and perhaps rearrange them.

Is there a way of writing a single block of code that will search the Reference notebook for subnotebooks and then produce a line in the index note with the subnotebook title and a dropdown of its contents? That is, a way of automating the current manual system?

Joplin does not currently provide the ability to search for notes in a specifyed notebook and all the sub-notebooks.
Therefore, each note book must be specified in the search query: notebook:"TestA" notebook:"TestB" ...

But I plan to define a few variables or special search switches in the plugin.

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The variables sound like a good idea. I look forward to their arrival!

Adding the notebooks in the search query as you suggested won't work because it will output a single list. For that to work I will need to replace the line summary: xxx in the example in my previous post with a variable with a value for the title of the currently searched notebook!

Or am I missing something?

That's not going to work.

But maybe divide into several overviews and the display the overviews again in a other overview.
But this could currently lead to problems with the code bocks of the noteoverview

I have not tried this, is just an idea!

  • Notebook A
    • TOC with all TOCs
  • Notebook AA
    -TOC AA with all notes of the notebook
  • Notebook AC
    -TOC AC with all notes of the notebook
  • Notebook AD
    -TOC AD with all notes of the notebook

But useless as it saves nothing on work.

I currently do a version of what you suggested, but maintaining it is a bit complex :slight_smile: The code sits in the only note directly under the Reference Material notebook and looks like

<!-- note-overview-plugin
search: notebook:"A list or three"
fields: title
sort: title ASC
  text: "{{title}}"
  open: false
  summary: A list or three
<!-- note-overview-plugin
search: notebook:"Authors & Characters"
fields: title
sort: title ASC
  text: "{{title}}"
  open: false
  summary: Authors & Characters
<!-- note-overview-plugin
search: notebook:"Background Material"
fields: title
sort: title ASC
  text: "{{title}}"
  open: false
  summary: Background Material
...and so on for another 45 notebooks

It produces a page of summary lines, all openable.

Expanding on this, I can't keep a template with a preconfigured overview either.

Better late than never: Thank you very much for implementing the requested features. I'm very happy seeing you actually included all of them already... :clap:

The 'combining notes dynamically' feature came as a bonus, which allows me to start using Joplin to create, embed and easily export Anki notes too, so I like to double thank you for this version!! :grinning:

nice to have

by the way:
there is a simular working plugin: joplin-plugin-spoilers

I presume you mean that the spoiler plugin is similar to Anki? I agree with you in the sense it triggers a response from your memory, but Anki's most important function actually is spaced repetition: based on how well you remembered the note SRS schedules it for review in the future, therefore helping you to move it from your short term to your long term memory by means of the least amount of repetitions possible. To my knowledge Anki is the best open-source software for this.

By using @JackGruber's note overview plugin I can integrate my Anki notes and create+edit them from Joplin instead. An example workflow regarding this is to create notes containing the following:

ID | Question | Answer

When putting a table heading as a prefix in the note overview attributes a nice overview can be generated by the plugin, which can now combine the 'Anki'-notes into a single table. From there they can be imported in Anki to add new notes/cards and/or updated existing ones.. I had to play a little with the code, but this works for me:

<!-- note-overview-plugin
search: notebook:Anki
fields: body, title
sort: title ASC
  open: true
  summary: All Anki notes
  text: "{{body}}"
  prefix: |-

For the ones unfamiliar with SRS: I create individual notes for all pieces of knowledge I like to remember/not forget. I use Joplin to store & manage them, which basically means linking them together. SRS/Anki helps me to review those notes at the right interval. When Anki makes me realise a certain note is fading it will be scheduled for review more often plus I will go back to Joplin and read its connected notes and try making new connections too, either by creating new notes or by linking existing ones I discover when searching for related notes.

I do see the spoiler plugin helps you 'to cover the answer', but you will have to come back to those notes at certain intervals in order not to forget the memorized knowledge in the future. People using the spoilers might be interested in 20 rules of formulating knowledge in learning where you will recognize them as (cloze) deletion: a highly effective way of learning indeed!

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Hi Edwin,

interesting aspect.

But, indeed, I mean that folding-feature of that plugin.
Yet I've not seen any reflection on Anki, or are we talking not about the same plugin ?

Very good links concerning tools for (long term) learning are:
here mentioned
Andyʼs working notes
and furthermore
How can we develop transformative tools for thought?
Quantum computing for the very curious


I am getting this error, not sure what the issue might be

Noteoverview error
Note: Overview_Todos

YAML parse error
Implicit map keys need to be followed by map values

fields: updated_time, title
sort: title DESC
type:todo iscompleted:0
<!-- note-overview-plugin
fields: updated_time, title
sort: title DESC
type:todo iscompleted:0

FAQ: Error: Implicit map keys need to be followed by map values

But your note-overview section is invalid, because no search is given

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Hi @JackGruber

I don't know if I'm wrong but I have the impression that the automatic update of my notes doesn't work at startup. I have to run overview by hand the first time for it to work. Can you confirm that this is the expected behavior ?

On the startup there is a time delay to finish the sync to avoid confilcts.
I would like to change the whole thing to the sync event done, so that the update runs faster after a start of Joplin, but I haven't gotten around to it yet.

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Okay, thanks, that clears that up for me. :+1:

Hi @JackGruber

For some reasons, I need to change sometimes the creation date of a note (I actually use the creation date as "schuedle" or "start" date). I just realized that when I integrate this column in my overview table it is not updated if I had already generated the table once. Can you reproduce it?