Newbie: Any Tutorials? Where do you start figuring out this app?

Hey thanks everyone! I appreciate the input from all. One last thing I want to confirm on this subject.

For now, I don’t see the need for using profiles.

But I would concentrate on the symbolic link to move my SQLite to a different drive. Because my c: drive is not big enough for Joplin data database to grow. In my Windows machine; I found the blob_storage in C:\users\MyUserName\AppData\Roaming\Joplin\blob_storage. I want to store my joplin files in E:\JoplinStorage\

(I am assuming most of you are familiar with the linux world). From my understanding windows symbolic link to a directory is called junction. ( )

So let me confirm that I need to do 2 things. 1. Create a junction point. 2. Move the existing files to the target location.

create a junction point: **
mlink /j
C:\users\MyUserName\AppData\Roaming\Joplin\blob_storage E:\JoplinStorage**

Then move any files that were on the old location (
C:\users\MyUserName\AppData\Roaming\Joplin\blob_storage) to the new location.