New user - note lost

Hi - I just started using Joplin on win10 (v1.0.170) and android (v1.0.308) - I set up synchronization via dropbox and crypto.
In two days of use it suddenly lost a note from a notebook. Can this happen? Can I have deleted it by mistake? Unlikely: I’ve tried now and there’s a verification question “do you want to delete it?”
However, could a trash can be implemented?

Dropbox increases your chance of getting into sychronization errors.

But webdav is not without its problems either: Extreme slow sync of "resources"


Why is that?

(Not defending Dropbox, just interested)

Endnote is warning against Dropbox for their db. Sync race conditions, I reckon.

Thanks for that.

I looked up Endnote and it seems they are referring to keeping their product's db in a Dropbox sync folder rather than linking the product to Dropbox itself, like Joplin does. This seems to be the case because they also say,

Our database products ... were not designed for compatibility with this service or other cloud storage.

unlike Joplin.

So it is more an Endnote problem than a Dropbox one.

I don't use Dropbox myself but it seems that if anyone does have a Dropbox account and wants to use Joplin with it they should not be deterred.

I stayed out of many many troubles bc of being very very cautious :smiley:

Bot, so, if you're right, so much the better. Thanks then for clearing that up.

But there still is the time consuming issue of syncing #resources Extreme slow sync of "resources" - #12 by Rado1

Which is not related to the OP's question from OCT19, not apparently specifically Dropbox related and is itself a thread ressurected from AUG19.