Moved all my data to Joplin, 2 features I miss

I like this solution for a shopping list with a shopping-mode :wink: within Joplin:

Adding on to the solutions presented there, if you have just a few two to-do notes, CSS can be used to move completed to-dos to the end. For example:

- [ ] Task
- [x] list
- [ ] here
- [ ] ...

	/* ul:has(...): Any Unordered List that contains
	   input[type="checkbox"]: A checkbox element. */
	ul:has(input[type="checkbox"]) {
		/* Use flex: This lets us re-order list items with the
		  `order: 0` or `order: 1` below. */
		display: flex;
		flex-direction: column;
	/* List items within checklists */
	ul:has(input[type="checkbox"]) > li {
		/* Default to start */
		order: 0;
	/* List items that contain checked checkboxes */
	/* Edit: Changed :has(input[checked]) to :has(> * > input[checked])
	   to fix nested checklists not sorted correctly */
	ul:has(input[type="checkbox"]) > li:has(> * > input[checked]) {
		/* Move to end */
		order: 1;

Note: This only moves completed to-dos to the end in the note viewer and doesn't change the keyboard navigation ordering of the checkboxes.