Mermaid syntax wanted

Can someone point me to a comprehensive syntax of mermaid? Currently I am juggling around with it to see what happens when I write something, and the syntax on mermaid - Markdownish syntax for generating flowcharts, sequence diagrams, class diagrams, gantt charts and git graphs. is helpful but hardly comprehensive. Something in BNF would be nice ...


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Hi there, even though Joplin supports it, our forum does not specialise in it. So, I feel like it would be more appropriate to ask for such guide at their support Slack chat


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Thanks for the tip; I'll try that.


Apparently that Workspace isn't very talkative :zipper_mouth_face: ...
And on second thought, shouldn't whoever built the rendering engine have the precise syntax? Does anyone know who is responsible here & if it's possible to contact this person?


Mermaid is a nice library but unfortunately it's poorly documented and poorly implemented too, so you pretty much need to try and see what works and search on their forum or GitHub.

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OK, thanks for that; pity, though; it's pretty neat and I am glad Joplin supports it.

I've already tried constructing a number of expressions and think I'm getting the hang of it, so I'll manage.


Can you please elaborate why the documentation is lacking?

Every diagram type has several subsections:

e.g. mermaid - Markdownish syntax for generating flowcharts, sequence diagrams, class diagrams, gantt charts and git graphs.

Another question: why don't you open an issue with the Mermaid repo?

Sure. I am familiar with the page you're referring to and it's nice, but doesn't really give me a proper picture of syntax or semantics.
I'm mainly interested in gantt, so let's look at those diagrams.

  • You can set a date format for the tasks as well as a separate date format for the axis, so this is nice :white_check_mark:.

Things get a bit foggy when you start to specify your tasks in the section(s).

  • Apparently (there are going to be a lot of "apparently's" here) a task name is separated from it's parameters by a colon. It doesn't really say that anywhere, but I gather that from the example. There is no terminator in a task description if I look at the examples; is this correct? So is a line break the terminating item here?

  • Apparently I can qualify a task as {done | active | critical | milestone} which have different semantics. "done" and "critical" lead to different colours, whereas using "active" or not using it has no (discernible?) impact. I can also combine "critical" and "done", but it is not clear to me what happens if I do this. And are there other combinations permitted? Are there more qualifications here not listed in any example; perhaps parameters signifying priorities.

  • Apparently I can give a task a reference which is accessible in other tasks. Are these names global or restricted to a section?

  • After these parameters comes the starting date of the task (a milestone of course only has one date). I can specify a starting date or I can specify a dependency to another referenced task ("after task 1"). Can tasks also start "before" another task? Must tasks start directly after a previous task or can I write something like "3d after task1"?

  • Similarly, the target date can be given as a fixed date, or as a timespan relative to the starting date. Since the date format is described in detail, this is straightforward.

  • Apparently the dates are entirely optional and I can just give a timespan for a task, and mermaid will assume this task directly follows the previous task. Is this the case? Can I use a reference here again; can I set a task to begin x days after another task?

These are some of the questions I'm pondering just now. I'll probably get to a working knowhow after experimenting around a bit; i just thought that there might be something more precise than a set of examples.

Regarding your question about why I do not raise an issue in their repo: I'm not contributing anything to the development, so I'm happy to work with what's on offer. If a complete description does not exist, ok; I'll manage with the existing stuff. I just thought that since I'm pretty new to this, perhaps I've just overlooked something that everybody else was aware of. If I was mistaken here, my apologies.


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I was also trying to make a Gantt chart and I had a lot of the same questions. The documentation isn't particularly good so it took me a while to figure out how to do what I wanted.

These are perfect questions for the Mermaid team. They wrote the code after all. So I am pretty sure they would know best.

I am not trying not to answer them, but I haven't used gantt myself thus I just don't know. (I only use a gantt example to test a Mermaid upgrade.)

I also struggled when trying to learn some of the finer details of mermaid.

I didn't find a single place that answered everything, so I produced the following for flowcharts which was based on a particular use case of mine, but I do also touch on Gantt charts there too.

See below link to medium if you're interested:



Yes, I am interested; will look into it tomorrow. Thanks in advance,

I'm a programmer. Or was.

I've used mermaid. Here's a test note

Test mermaid

Want to use mermaid to do sequence and class diagrams.

Class07 .. Class08
Class09 --> C2 : Where am i?
Class09 --* C3
Class09 --|> Class07
Class07 : equals()
Class07 : Object[] elementData
Class08 <--> C2: Cool label
Object .. FontBase
FontBase --> Font
Object --> EventDispatcher
EventDispatcher --> Sprite
Sprite --> Shape
Shape --> TextField
FontBase : layoutText()
TextField : setLayout()

— from Mermaid in Joplin? - #37 by bva

— still doesn’t work - Markdown Guide | Joplin

graph LR

but why not just install the Plantuml plugin?

I'm sure the community will sort it out, eventually.

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