Just got the same error on laptop and desktop

OH SO good i already did. and waiting for reply. so they must have made some change to their system because I've been doing it this way for 7 months now and i haven't changed anything.

Further progress:

I got this reply from them:

"There is no issue with our WebDAV at present, we have just tested it our. It might have been temporary or an issue with Joplin of some sort. Please try to restart the connection and is the issue persists - contact Joplin's support as well.

Let me know if you need any further assistance!

Best Regards,
pCloud's Tech Support"

But i still have the same problem, on my linux mint desktop, linux mint laptop and my android.

And then i saw this on my old post about issues i have had since started using joplip.

"An upcoming Joplin version will prevent users who are not already syncing with pCloud from using it due to the problems their WebDAV implementation causes and so is something Joplin cannot fix."