Just discovered Joplin - WOW, I'm impressed

I have been an Evernote user since 2007. Been looking for a replacement for a long time and finally found it. I just downloaded and installed Joplin, and I’m impressed. I got my Evernote notes moved over in a flash.

I managed to put my sync for my various PC and Android devices on my Google drive as a FILE SYSTEM type. I have a utility that actually syncs my Google Drive to my Android and I set it up on my Androids , works a treat.

Superb app!.


Fully agree! Wait till you found out all the extra stuff Joplin can do :slight_smile:
Nested notebooks anyone?

Joplin is good and you control your data! You can store it on your phone or choose many options for syncing your data to the cloud with E2EE encryption!