Joplin version 1.0.132

Here is a new release that fixes several issues and add new functionalities

  • New: Experimental support for Mermaid graphs (This is not yet supported on mobile).
  • New: Allow resizing sidebar columns.
  • New: Resolves #1198: In search results, give more weight to more recent notes and less to completed to-dos
  • Add shortcut to start a sync (#1231)
  • Change notebook icon in toolbar and search result (#1252)
  • When deleting notebook or tag, display name (#1253)
  • API: Resolves #1148: Added support for search end-point and improved error handling
  • Security: Updated a few packages to fix CVE-2018-16469
  • Security: Updated parse-url package to fix CVE-2018-3774
  • Various bug fixes and improvement following previous release.
  • Fixes #1251: Handle Show Uncompleted Tasks option when selecting a tag


This doesn't work for me at all. Both on Win Desktop and Portable versions, the Note and Notebook lists are very narrow, and while I can drag to resize them, when I end the drag action (release the mouse button), their size immediately returns to the narrowest possible. (I have tried turning it off and on again, but that didn't help. :smiley: )

Ah, love this. I already had one graph in my notes. and now it just started working. That is cool. (Though the lines are virtually invisible in the dark theme, but it's a start. :smiley: )


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