Joplin Server

I am running joplin server v2.10.5 (prod) in a docker container on debian and I'm trying to get file system storage to work via the appropriate environmental variable.

STORAGE_DRIVER=Type=Filesystem; Path=/my/path

Paths I have tried:


No matter which path I use, I keep getting the following error on startup:

joplin | [Error: Could not write content to storage: EACCES: permission denied, mkdir '/my/path/te'] {
joplin | errno: -13,
joplin | code: 'EACCES',
joplin | syscall: 'mkdir',
joplin | path: '/my/path/te'
joplin | }

running joplin server 2.7.4-beta is seems to work!

from my docker-compose.yaml:

      image: joplin/server:2.7.4-beta
        - STORAGE_DRIVER_FALLBACK=Type=Database; Mode=ReadAndWrite
        - ./files:/mnt/files

I have lot of directories and files.. the size of this directory is around 2/3 or backup file - sounds reasonable for me.

I'm afraid I can't try out the older version, as I get errors regarding broken migrations when trying to downgrade.

Here is the relevant part of my docker compose file:

    image: etechonomy/joplin-server:latest
      - /opt/joplin/data:/mnt/files
      - STORAGE_DRIVER=Type=Filesystem; Path=/mnt/files
      - STORAGE_DRIVER_FALLBACK=Type=Database; Mode=ReadAndWrite

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