Joplin App Windows/Android/iPhone/Linux - Startover, fetch all from Server to resolve conflicts

Operating system


Joplin version


Desktop version info

3.1.24 prod, win Rev d581264

Sync target

Joplin Server

What issue do you have?

I would like to perform a complete resync from the server in the Joplin app, as if there were no data in the app yet. Basically, I want to start fresh and pull all data from the server again.
What are the steps to achieve this? Is there a way to force a complete resync without having to reinstall the app?

How can I do this in Android, going to Sync> Extended Settings I do not find an option like in the Windows app (see below)

I did this

But unfortuenately I get this error:

How can I fix the sqlite?

Here there was a similar issue Sync. Issue - Error SQLITE CONSTRAINT NOT NULL but cannot see how, or if it was solved.

In Android app, there is a similar error, but with other text.

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