Introducing naveen8801

Hello Everyone :wave: ,

I am Naveen Kumar currently perusing 2nd year of Bachelor Of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering from JMIT , Kurukshetra University , Haryana , India . I am frontend developer intern at Xpertico . I have good knowledge and experience in working with MERN stack and Python also.

I am very much excited for Gsoc'21 which has provided a golden opportunity to give back to the community.
Joplin is really amazing application which can be improved and enhanced by introducing some great features and i like to work on one such idea i.e Real-time collaboration on a note .Currently i am exploring Joplin Server API to get started.

Looking forward to give valuable contribution to Joplin and interact with mentors .

Github - naveen8801

Thanks :grinning:

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look what I replied in Introducing Abhishek - GSoC - Joplin Forum (

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