Introducing Komal

Hello!! Hola !!

I'm Komal Tarachandani in 3rd Year of Computer Science Engineering at Sardar Patel Institute of Technology, Mumbai, India. I'm highly interested in development, Machine Learning, GEN AI, and coming up with innovative creative solutions to challenging problems.

In my last summer internship, I worked in increasing the accuracy of Natural Entity Recognition Models (part of NLP) and in leveraging optimisation techniques for a multi NER model calling script by using multithreading, chunking, using PySpark, Ray and ultimately pipelining using sPacy. I am also very grateful that I have secured a summer internship offer from Microsoft India for this year. My team and I have also been able to build successful products and secure wins in national level hackathons.

I was highly motivated to explore open source and contribute to GSOC organisations and thats how I landed here!! I have used Jopin for the past 2 days, and I really appreciate the user friendliness, wide range of plugins, extensions this platform provides for different use cases (coming from someone who had given up on notes apps :sweat_smile: )

My different tech stacks include frontend frameworks like react, react native, typescript ; backend like express and flask; different databases and machine learning using python.

I have read and really liked the project ideas but I would love to explore further and try to think if I could add anything valuable to this amazing application. I have also gone through the clean code practises followed here of test creation and clear cut documentation.

Looking forward to contributing and adding something valuable !!