I'd love to be able to customize the items of the Android toolbar

The current Android toolbar is B I {;} H1 H2 ... bullet-list numbered-list. Some of those I never use. I have to hit the ... so many times every day to reach those I often need e.g. move bullet point left/right.

I wish I could customize which items appear on the toolbar so that I could save a ton of clicks everyday.

If I remember correctly Obsidian does this beautifully.


I also use a lot of bullet-list and task-list indentation and outdentation.

I only see B I {;} ... task-list link search, but would prefer hiding (in ...) much less used items like code-block and task-list (typically used to only start the list) in favor of showing indent and outdent.

A whole taskbar ordering system is a lot, but a single switch to preference indent and outdent would help a lot already.

A scrolling toolbar might work too.

I'm linking a related pull request:


The new feature is an amazing time saver. Thank you so much, you made my day.

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@personalizedrefriger There is actually an issue with a single item of the new toolbar, see Android toolbar "link" item broken since 3.2.3 and introduction of custom toolbar · Issue #11563 · laurent22/joplin · GitHub