I am dealing with a problem to open app in new Joplin instalation

latest version 2.9.2 installed
Instaling thru Joplin web's script (appimage)
Ubuntu 22.04 (instaling in advance libfuse2)

This is a new instalation in a secondary laptop.
Joplin does not open properly (or opening in blank) see below

And using toggle developer tools menu option I can see the below error

I have removed and installed it a second time with the same result.
Could somebody guide me for fixing this problem in my second machine.? I can access withouth problem thru ipad, phone or another laptop, but dealing with issues in this second computer.. Thanks

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Hi @Eduardo, version 2.9.2 is actually a pre-release. Others are also experiencing this issue.

Recommend you try the AppImage version 2.9.1 from here, also a pre-release, but appears to work fine. The last stable release is 2.8.8

Good luck!

Hi @johano
Thanks for the advice, I have not seen the problem detected with release 2.9.2, and I did not realize that the first laptop using 2.9.1. Then I have installed this v 2.9.1 in the second one, and Joplin is running without any problem. Thanks again.

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