I've recently migrated from Linux Mint to a new, smaller laptop running Arch Linux. While I'm not a power user of Joplin, I use it every day and heavily rely on it (LOVE it!). With my smaller laptop, screen real estate is at a definite premium. In setting up a new subfolder, I noticed the option to add an emoji to the new folder, so I picked one. However, I didn't expect that ALL the folders would now display an empty folder icon, so I removed the icon from the new subfolder; however all the folders are now displaying empty folder icons. I want to restore the display to its previous state, with no icons displaying next to the folders, but don't find a way to do this. Please assist.
Have you tried restarting Joplin? I think the folder icons should disappear after doing so. Please make sure to exit the application completely (including the tray icon).
Yes, I started with a reboot before I posted. I don't have Joplin in the tray, but closed it again and checked running processes to ensure it's really closed. Upon reboot, the icons are still there.
That sounds about right...for me! Things seldom work the way they are supposed to - story of my life!
Ha! Got it! Before posting for help, when the icons didn't go away after deleting it from the new folder, I deleted the folder & created a new one, icon free. But, that didn't solve the problem. However, once I emptied the trash, voila! All the empty folder icons disappeared in an instant!