How to sort list of results from API?

For example, I want to get a list of all notes from a specific folder, sorted by their order value.

My current data access looks like this:

let notes = await['folders', selectedNote.parent_id, 'notes'], { fields: ['title', 'parent_id', 'order'] });

My question now, is it possible to directly sort the results within the API or do I need to sort them manually afterwards?

See the pagination section there for v1.4: but please don't implement this yet as I'm just about to change the API (shouldn't change after that).

That's perfect! Thank you for your fast response!
I will implement this as soon as the API is stable.

Just one more short question...
I have to consider the pagination also in data requests from plugins, right?
So it could be possible that returns multiple "pages"?

Yes, same for the plugin API. Any end point that might return multiple object will be paginated.

Alright. Then I have to add this behavior too.

Thanks again! :grin: