How to sign-up for Joplin Cloud

Operating system


Joplin version


Sync target

Joplin Cloud


Markdown Editor

What issue do you have?

I´d like to use Joplin Cloud sync. So I selected Joplin Cloud as sync target. Trying to connect leads me to my browser with a "authorize" button. When I klick on this I´m being forwarded to a login page. Here I have the option to use a sign-up link. Clicking on this only leads me to Joplin Cloud plans where I can buy a plan (Joplin Cloud Plans | Joplin). No option to sign-up. So I bought a basic plan assuming an account will be generated for me. But I didn´t receive a confirmation mail and my address is still unknown on logon, so I cannot reset/set a password. Finally I bought a cloud plan and cannot use it because I have no login ... :-(. Of course I have no chance to cancel my order (14 days trial)... Anyone knows how I can sign-up and use my cloud plan or how to get Reid of this, sorry, Many thx and brads, Michael. (sorry, but I´m a little p... :wink: )

Can't you reset your password? You have registered an email address during your buying process. I think this will be your login name.

I by myself use self hosting, so I have no more tips to spend. Sorry.

Hi Moria,
thanks for reply.
I tried to reset my password... but I didn´t receive a mail and I got no error message (like "mail address is unknown").
I tried it again right now ...