Joplin 1.7.11 user here on Windows and Android, using Nextcloud WebDAV as the backend sync. This is an excellent product and I love it. Sync is working well, but can occasionally be slow, so I am interested in running Joplin's native sync server.
I have a home server running Nextcloud within the SWAG image which includes nginx and automates the SSL certificate process all within one docker container.
I would like to run Joplin Server using Laurent's Joplin Server docker-compose file. However, it states that I need to have Nginx or another reverse proxy running on the host system. However, as stated, my server is not running a reverse proxy; the only instance of this is running within a different docker container.
Should I try to add an Nginx docker image to Laurent's Joplin Server docker-compose yml file?
Or....should I try to run Joplin Server within the SWAG container? There are already three services listed in the docker-compose yml for SWAG (the swag image, nextcloud, and mariadb). I'm not sure if I can add Joplin plus Postgres to the same container.
I'm new to docker, but it seems less tidy to run nginx and/or apache (if needed?) on the host system when it could be running within the same docker container.
Furthermore, Nextcloud is listening on ports 80 and 443, but it appears (looking at this guide to running Joplin Server on RaspPi) that Joplin Server will need to listen to those ports as well. Will there be a conflict?
Thanks for any help!