Future of Joplin

I haven't used tags a lot in the past. I am using for status now though.

  • stub -- for things that are placeholders and haven't even begun to be drafted yet.
  • draft -- something that is being drafted
  • done -- something that is in a certain state of completedness. I am considering dropping this tag because it represents the desired state and if the document has no tag, I could just assume it is an item that I consider done.

Some others I have considered:

  • review -- something that I need to come back to
  • urgent
  • toss -- kinda like review. Something I am considering tossing, but haven't yet.

I think that is it. I am still playing with tags. I have hundreds upon hundreds of notes and documents within Joplin (I have been using it for years now). The hierarchy of notebooks tells me most of what I need to know about a thing. But it's state? That is an item of information that spans the whole thing. I don't want state notebooks. It would get ugly fast and be repeated everywhere. I have done that with the title but . . .

Anyway. That's what I have been doing of late. Hope it is useful.