Error Synchronizing with Joplin Cloud


I am using Joplin version on three devices:

  • Windows 10 Pro Version 21H1
  • iPhone X, iOS version 16.03
  • Windows 10 Home, Version 21H1

The version information from the Windows client is as follows:

Joplin 2.8.8 (prod, win32)

Client ID: 733e55aca1614acd8ff9ea7fbf531fbb
Sync Version: 3
Profile Version: 41
Keychain Supported: Yes

Revision: c2a6a13

I used to use Dropbox sync and am now using Joplin Cloud since September 12 of this year. Today I began getting an error in my Windows 10 Pro Device and iPhone. I have not been able to check my Windows 10 Home device yet. The error is: "Last Error: Error: Invalid username or password". I tried to log in to the joplincloud[.]com website and it gives me the same error message. I clicked on the link to reset my password and I have not received an email (I have check my spam folder). On the Windows 10 Pro device, if I press "Check synchronisation configuration" I get the following error message: "Error. Please check that URL, username, password, etc. are correct and that the sync target is accessible. The reported error was: Invalid username or password (Code 403)".

My apologies if this is not the right forum to post this. I didn't post on Github yet since I don't think this is a bug in the Joplin application, but rather an issue on the Joplin Cloud platform. Would someone please advise on this error? Thank you.

Perhaps this forum is not the right place. Does anyone know where I can ask about this issue with the Joplin Cloud service? Thank you.

Maybe try emailing support if you haven’t already?

I cannot find a support email address on the Joplin Cloud website.

The last bullet point on this link. Definitely not easy to find:

Thank you! Sent an email.

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