Emoji synonyms

There is an emoji called :man_shrugging: πŸ€·β€β™‚. The name is long and tedious to type. I would like to be able to enter it using a shorter synonym, such as :shrug:. Alternatively, it would be nice to have a drop-down list of emoji suggestions which is triggered as soon as you type :<letter>, similarly to Telegram.

On a broader scale, it would be nice to have configurable snippets, similarly to Sublime Text.


This would make a great plugin! There was a discussion recently about adding plugins to Joplin.

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just in case you’re on Windows: the emoji keyboard should address your needs system wide and also includes a search:

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just in case you’re on Linux: a system-wide solution https://softwarerecs.stackexchange.com/a/74900/67774