I recently migrated from Evernote to Joplin (finally...). I imported a total of around 10k notes spread accross ~40 notebooks. Once imported to the (self-hosted) server, that was around 9GB of data.
After the migration, I made some export/backups as JEX files to have backups since my joplin-server is still being tweaked.
In order to test my backups, I reimported the JEX files. Joplin nicely did imported into newly created Notebooks appending (1)
to the name if I recall. This is nice as it allows cleanly up duplicates later.
Right after the import, I tried stopping the sync since I intended to delete those tests right away. I say tray because the sync did start so I do expect that a few items may have been synced. No big deal.
The new import of the JEX files did work fine and I decided to delete those tests notebooks. Since it was a new install/sync, there was a heavy load syncing new stuff so I mainly let Joplin do its thing as long as it had stuff to do.
I am now in a state where everything is clean and synced. I realized however that the size reported by the server is around 18GB so I wonder if the tests I made did not end up in the server. That would not be a big deal but I am now wondering if there is a way to clean things up manually or if things will eventually get purged.
So in short, is there some kind "trash" I would need to clean up ? Whether in the App or in the server ?