I added Joplin server to my docker environment. No I want to run it behind NPM with wiki.domain.com Verything is setup in NPM, including SSL certs.
Joplin Server and and the database container are running.
But when I enter wiki.domain.com I only get 502 Bad Gateway. In Portainer I can see in the Joplin Server container logs: db: Could not connect. Will try again. getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN db...
Any ideas?
Is this an NPM issue? Both containers may be running but from the brief bit of info you gave it appears that the server container cannot connect to the database container. (db: Could not connect. Will try again. getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN db). It looks like it cannot resolve its address (DNS) and has timed out. You have truncated the error so the address may not be complete, but for some reason it appears to be trying to find an ip address for "db" (getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN db)? Might be worth double-checking your docker-compose config.
Ok got it running. I entered the IP of my database container instead of "db". Wondering why it was not working with the standard template, whre nothing was changed.