CSS theme - Ohmine Dark Theme v3

@skim1124 @bepolymathe @sttrebo @joplin_user @Estar @yoda84 @cnburke

Based about the feature of show/hide heading's border from Render Viewer, I want to ask for user's experience.

The heading's border is commonly a combination of a heading, so when we want to turn it on/off, we must edit it within the settings page or directly edit it within the CSS document. If we often switch borders according to different situations when writing, it is not flexible enough to use.

The one I was considering is to use the html: <hr> or markdown: --- as an alternative. So, when we want to add border to a heading, we can do it without leaving the editor.

When we do not need a border:

## h2 heading

When we need a border:

## h2 heading
## h2 heading

But one of the cons is, we must add it manually on each heading when we need it. Do you guys think it's better than the traditional way? Just leave me a comment and let me know what you think about it.

Do you want this feature?

  • Yes, I want this feature!
  • No, I feel comfortable with the traditional way.

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Hi @Nacandev

--- seems to me more useful

Hi @Sinacs ,

I am perfectly fine with the current headings style, but I agree with @bepolymathe : if you are going to implement this feature, --- seems to be clearer than hr.

I agree with Estar.

Ok, thanks for the reply, I will implement both ways to adding border.

The heading's border will first be based on the settings value, then we can add border manually (---) for the headings which border is set as hide, it seems a perfect way for everyone.

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Sorry guys, the theme has some problems after packaging it as a plugin and still finding a solution, so it must be delayed for a couple of days. :smiling_face_with_tear:


any news about this?

I need help! I've launched the theme already, but there are some setting properties I don't know how to code, can somebody help with this?

I want to get the user input value from the settings page and then overwrite the CSS properties. Below are the parts I am getting stuck with.