Coming from OneNote lot's of questions

Hai der!


That was an interesting adventure.

So, I got a wild hair (?) that I would stand up a Joplin Server instance on a Raspberry Pi for synchronization purposes. Lot's of interesting things learned, some of which are relevant to this discussion.

If you are interested here are a couple of links:

Server setup silly questions

Server Hanging

Anyway, all that is behind me now.

I had used the OneNote md Exporter dohicky to export a bunch of OneNote stuff for import.

And that's when the fight started as they say.

Somewhere in the mess of exported OneNote stuff was a turd that would choke Joplin and the server instantiation. Took me about a month to figure out what was going on.

This was particularly problematic on the Windows version as the sync would stall and then I would just close it out. Unfortunately there were still a myriad of Joplin instances running that had to be manually stopped. The Linux version was significantly better behaved.

So, what all this has reinforced, is it's the fools folly, at this juncture, to attempt to import from OneNote. Truth be told, it's not that problematic, as a lot of the stuff I had in OneNote was now OBE (Overcome by Events) and no longer relevant.

I've only got one Windows box at present having converted everything else to Linux. The goal was to rid myself of OneDrive and it's accompanying chuff. I'll prolly go ahead and get rid of it and the stand alone OneNote install. As I'm not going to be entering anything into OneNote I can use either the web version or the UWA tool.

Now, I've gone ahead and built the usestyle.css file and that makes things much less unattractive. I have realized that it's best to enter/manipulate text in the MU pane. I'm not liking it any more, but it's serviceable.

There as some things about Joplin that I like a lot more than OneNote, so kudo's to the dev's.

At this juncture the biggest caveat is the non-display of pdf files in the RTE. Man that's a MAJOR shortfall. I'm crossing my fingers that this can be rectified.

Thank all, who opined, while not optimum, Joplin suits my needs fairly well at this juncture.


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