Operating system
Joplin version
Desktop version info
Joplin 2.14.17 (prod, win32)
Client ID: 32e4c037bd9c4d8aa52795273906f526
Sync Version: 3
Profile Version: 46
Keychain Supported: Yes
Revision: 094175c
Backup: 1.4.0
Sync target
File system
Rich Text Editor
What issue do you have?
This problem occurs when you drag one notebook from the root to another notebook as a sub-notebook. Then attempt to drag the sub-notebook back to the root you get an error message. (See the uploaded screen shot.) After you exit this error then you create a new notebook you are unable to type in a Title of the new notebook. All you can do is cancel. If you exit out of Joplin completely then come back in you once again create notebooks until you go through the explain above and get the error. You should be able to move a sub-notebook back to the root (or main level of notebooks) without the error message.