Some details-
OS- Windows 10 Home
npm version- 8.1.4
node version - 14.18.1
I have tried looking for an error similar to mine in previous posts and in the internet but didn't find anything that would work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> postinstall
> npm run bootstrap --no-ci && npm run build
> bootstrap
> lerna bootstrap --force-local --no-ci
lerna notice cli v3.22.1
lerna info versioning independent
lerna info Bootstrapping 16 packages
lerna info Installing external dependencies
lerna info Symlinking packages and binaries
lerna WARN EREPLACE_EXIST @joplin/lib is already installed for @joplin/plugin-repo-cli. Replacing with symlink...
lerna WARN EREPLACE_EXIST @joplin/tools is already installed for @joplin/plugin-repo-cli. Replacing with symlink...
info lifecycle @joplin/app-clipper@1.0.8~postinstall: @joplin/app-clipper@1.0.8s is already installed for @joplin/pl
info lifecycle @joplin/app-mobile@0.8.9~postinstall: @joplin/app-mobile@0.8.9
[ ] | postinstall: verb lifecycle postinstall
> @joplin/app-mobile@0.8.9 postinstall C:\GSoc\Joplin\joplin\packages\app-mobile
> jetify && npm run build
Jetifier found 1513 file(s) to forward-jetify. Using 4 workers...
[ ] | postinstall: verb lifecycle postinstall
> @joplin/app-mobile@0.8.9 build
> gulp build
[18:54:05] Using gulpfile C:\GSoc\Joplin\joplin\packages\app-mobile\gulpfile.js
[18:54:05] Starting 'build'...
[18:54:05] Starting 'buildInjectedJs'...
Building CodeMirror bundle...
Creating: C:\GSoc\Joplin\joplin/packages/app-mobile/lib/rnInjectedJs/webviewLib.js
Creating: C:\GSoc\Joplin\joplin/packages/app-mobile/lib/rnInjectedJs/CodeMirror.bundle.js
[18:54:35] Finished 'buildInjectedJs' after 30 sle postinstall
[18:54:35] Starting 'encodeAssets'...
[18:54:36] Finished 'encodeAssets' after 512 mscle postinstall
[18:54:36] Starting 'podInstall'...
[18:54:36] Finished 'podInstall' after 1.1 ms
[18:54:36] Finished 'build' after 31 s
[ ] | postinstall: verb lifecycle postinstall
> @joplin/app-clipper@1.0.8 postinstall C:\GSoc\Joplin\joplin\packages\app-clipper
> cd popup && npm install
[ ] | postinstall: verb lifecycle postinstall
> joplin-webclipper-popup@0.1.0 postinstall
> node postinstall.js && npm run build
[ ] | postinstall: verb lifecycle postinstall
> joplin-webclipper-popup@0.1.0 build
> node scripts/build.js SKIP_PREFLIGHT_CHECK
Creating an optimized production build...lifecycle postinstall
Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run the following command: `npm update`
Compiled successfully. postinstall: verb lifecycle postinstall
File sizes after gzip:
47.92 KB build\static\js\2.chunk.jsrb lifecycle postinstall
8.53 KB build\static\js\main.chunk.js
775 B build\static\js\runtime-main.js
771 B build\static\css\main.chunk.css
The project was built assuming it is hosted at ./.
You can control this with the homepage field in your package.json.
The build folder is ready to be deployed.
Find out more about deployment here:
[ ] | postinstall: verb lifecycle postinstall
up to date, audited 1905 packages in 25s
68 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
[ ] | postinstall: verb lifecycle postinstall
82 vulnerabilities (57 moderate, 22 high, 3 critical)
To address issues that do not require attention, run:
npm audit fix
To address all issues possible (including breaking changes), run:
npm audit fix --force
Some issues need review, and may require choosing
a different dependency.
Run `npm audit` for details.
info lifecycle @joplin/fork-htmlparser2@4.1.38~prepare: @joplin/fork-htmlparser2@4.1.38
info lifecycle @joplin/turndown-plugin-gfm@1.0.42~prepare: @joplin/turndown-plugin-gfm@1.0.42
info lifecycle @joplin/turndown@4.0.60~prepare: @joplin/turndown@4.0.60
[ ..] - prepare: verb lifecycle prepare
> @joplin/fork-htmlparser2@4.1.38 prepare C:\GSoc\Joplin\joplin\packages\fork-htmlparser2
> npm run build
[ ..] - prepare: verb lifecycle prepare
> @joplin/fork-htmlparser2@4.1.38 build
> tsc
[ ..] - prepare: verb lifecycle prepare
> @joplin/turndown-plugin-gfm@1.0.42 prepare C:\GSoc\Joplin\joplin\packages\turndown-plugin-gfm
> npm run build
[ ] - prepare: verb lifecycle prepare
> @joplin/turndown-plugin-gfm@1.0.42 build
> rollup -c config/rollup.config.cjs.js
[ ] - prepare: verb lifecycle prepare
src/gfm.js → lib/turndown-plugin-gfm.cjs.js...
created lib/turndown-plugin-gfm.cjs.js in 68ms prepare
[ ] - prepare: verb lifecycle prepare
> @joplin/turndown@4.0.60 prepare C:\GSoc\Joplin\joplin\packages\turndown
> npm run build
[ ] - prepare: verb lifecycle prepare
> @joplin/turndown@4.0.60 build
> rollup -c config/rollup.config.cjs.js
[ ] - prepare: verb lifecycle prepare
src/turndown.js → lib/turndown.cjs.js...
created lib/turndown.cjs.js in 354ms lifecycle prepare
lerna success Bootstrapped 16 packages
> build
> lerna run build && npm run tsc
lerna notice cli v3.22.1
lerna info versioning independent
lerna info Executing command in 6 packages: "npm run build"
lerna info run Ran npm script 'build' in 'joplin' in 5.8s:
> joplin@2.6.1 build
> gulp build
[18:55:29] Using gulpfile C:\GSoc\Joplin\joplin\packages\app-cli\gulpfile.js
[18:55:29] Starting 'build'...
[18:55:29] Starting 'prepareBuild'...
[18:55:30] Finished 'prepareBuild' after 1.03 s
[18:55:30] Finished 'build' after 1.03 s
lerna info run Ran npm script 'build' in '@joplin/server' in 5.7s:
> @joplin/server@2.6.11 build
> gulp build
[18:55:29] Using gulpfile C:\GSoc\Joplin\joplin\packages\server\gulpfile.js
[18:55:29] Starting 'build'...
[18:55:29] Starting 'compilePackageInfo'...
Generated C:\GSoc\Joplin\joplin\packages\server/dist/packageInfo.js
[18:55:30] Finished 'compilePackageInfo' after 810 ms
[18:55:30] Finished 'build' after 841 ms
lerna info run Ran npm script 'build' in '@joplin/turndown-plugin-gfm' in 6.7s:
> @joplin/turndown-plugin-gfm@1.0.42 build
> rollup -c config/rollup.config.cjs.js
lerna info run Ran npm script 'build' in '@joplin/turndown' in 7.2s:
> @joplin/turndown@4.0.60 build
> rollup -c config/rollup.config.cjs.js
lerna info run Ran npm script 'build' in '@joplin/fork-htmlparser2' in 20.8s:
> @joplin/fork-htmlparser2@4.1.38 build
> tsc
lerna info run Ran npm script 'build' in '@joplin/app-mobile' in 30.0s:
> @joplin/app-mobile@0.8.9 build
> gulp build
[18:55:29] Using gulpfile C:\GSoc\Joplin\joplin\packages\app-mobile\gulpfile.js
[18:55:29] Starting 'build'...
[18:55:29] Starting 'buildInjectedJs'...
Building CodeMirror bundle...
Creating: C:\GSoc\Joplin\joplin/packages/app-mobile/lib/rnInjectedJs/webviewLib.js
Creating: C:\GSoc\Joplin\joplin/packages/app-mobile/lib/rnInjectedJs/CodeMirror.bundle.js
[18:55:54] Finished 'buildInjectedJs' after 25 s
[18:55:54] Starting 'encodeAssets'...
[18:55:54] Finished 'encodeAssets' after 348 ms
[18:55:54] Starting 'podInstall'...
[18:55:54] Finished 'podInstall' after 818 μs
[18:55:54] Finished 'build' after 25 s
lerna success run Ran npm script 'build' in 6 packages in 30.2s:
lerna success - joplin
lerna success - @joplin/app-mobile
lerna success - @joplin/fork-htmlparser2
lerna success - @joplin/server
lerna success - @joplin/turndown-plugin-gfm
lerna success - @joplin/turndown
> tsc
> lerna run tsc --stream --parallel
lerna notice cli v3.22.1
lerna info versioning independent
lerna info Executing command in 7 packages: "npm run tsc"
joplin: > joplin@2.6.1 tsc
joplin: > node node_modules/typescript/bin/tsc --project tsconfig.json
@joplin/app-mobile: > @joplin/app-mobile@0.8.9 tsc
@joplin/app-mobile: > node node_modules/typescript/bin/tsc --project tsconfig.json
@joplin/htmlpack: > @joplin/htmlpack@2.6.0 tsc
@joplin/htmlpack: > tsc --project tsconfig.json
@joplin/plugin-repo-cli: > @joplin/plugin-repo-cli@2.6.2 tsc
@joplin/plugin-repo-cli: > tsc --project tsconfig.json
@joplin/renderer: > @joplin/renderer@2.6.2 tsc
@joplin/renderer: > node node_modules/typescript/bin/tsc --project tsconfig.json
@joplin/server: > @joplin/server@2.6.11 tsc
@joplin/server: > tsc --project tsconfig.json
@joplin/tools: > @joplin/tools@2.6.2 tsc
@joplin/tools: > tsc --project tsconfig.json
@joplin/plugin-repo-cli: ../lib/markdownUtils.ts(1,31): error TS2307: Cannot find module '@joplin/renderer' or its corresponding type declarations.
@joplin/plugin-repo-cli: lib/errorsHaveChanged.test.ts(60,37): error TS2345: Argument of type 'boolean | { one: string; two: string; } | { one: string; two?: undefined; } | {}' is not assignable to parameter of type 'ImportErrors'.
@joplin/plugin-repo-cli: Type 'boolean' is not assignable to type 'ImportErrors'.
lerna ERR! npm run tsc exited 2 in '@joplin/plugin-repo-cli'
lerna WARN complete Waiting for 4 child processes to exit. CTRL-C to exit immediately.
npm ERR! code 2
npm ERR! path C:\GSoc\Joplin\joplin
npm ERR! command failed
npm ERR! command C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /d /s /c npm run bootstrap --no-ci && npm run build
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! C:\Users\Shikhar\AppData\Local\npm-cache\_logs\2021-11-24T13_26_17_781Z-debug.log```