I've been trying out Joplin extensively over the last week with some friends on Mac, Windows and iOS, and I immediately fell in love with the app. Especially on the desktop the way the controls feel so native with the screen reader and keyboard shortcuts even though it's a web app, coupled with how well the autocomplete reads in the "go to anything..." screen makes it an absolute breeze to find what I'm looking for.
The app is also really good on mobile, again everything reads really well with VoiceOver on iOS at least. I do have 2 things to report about the iOS app:
- VoiceOver has a 2-finger scrub gesture which can be normally used to back out of almost any screen, I believe programatically this is called the "Accessibility Escape." This doesn't work in the Joplin app, so if I want to IE back out of a note I have to manually find the back button and press it. Other places where I think it would be useful for this gesture to work is closing the sidebar, the note actions menu and a dropdown menu if one is open.
- Speaking of the note actions menu the focus behaves slightly weirdly when you open it, because I can still swipe right to all the elements on the screen instead of just the action menu items. Also, if I touch outside the menu to the rest of the screen - the place I can tap to dismiss the menu, it's announced by VoiceOver as an unlabeled element which just makes a click. Usually in a situation like this tapping outside a menu like this is read by VoiceOver as "Dismiss popup" or some variation of it.
Other than that, the mobile app works just as well as the desktop one and I know quite a few people who have long been looking for a good and accessible cross-platform note taking app that can support both Windows and iOS equally well and Joplin is perfect for this.