Android: Joplin keeps stopping while using editor mode

Related to GH issue: #2939 by Laurent


Platform: Mobile
OS: Android 9
Joplin Version: 1.0.32

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Enable ‘Opt-in to the editor beta’ option under Configuration > Note section
  2. Create a new note and see the cursor behavior (as shown in gif)
    My Video
  3. Open Joplin again try to edit that note you created in the 2nd step and app will crashed (as shown in gif below) if you don’t see Joplin keeps stopping dialog then try editing again and again


Crash report

Exception class name java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException

Source file

Source class android.text.SpannableStringBuilder

Source method checkRange

Line number 1327

Stack trace:

Please download the above screenshot and you’ll be able to read by zooming in clearly. I don’t know any other ways of getting this error log.

I believe this is the same bug that was reported on GitHub you can follow progress there or let us know if it’s different.

Thank you for including the detailed stack trace, but please in the future try to copy and paste the actual error. Long screenshots as above are very cool but not nearly as useful as having the trace as text.

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Oops!! -_-
You are right, I’m working on the same issue as you mentioned but just forgot to link here. I created a topic here to describe the bug in more detail as I think description provided by Laurent on GH issue is very less to reproduce the bug and also to get some insights/suggestions/feedback from community which helps me to solve the issue.

Yes I was trying to get Stack Trace in text but unable to find so I took screenshot and posted here, can you please tell me where to find stack trace? I'm having nearly zero experience working with android platform and learning a lot from Joplin.

If you have root on your device you can use an app like CatLog. Or you can connect your device to a computer and use adb logcat

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Thanks for your help.
Unfortunately I don’t have root on my phone, So I think I should go on the second path

@kowalskidev I am facing the same issue on my android device.

Thanks for reporting…The issue is already reported on GitHub here is the link if you want to follow the progress: