"absolute" reference links to the same note are not working anymore

Operating system


Joplin version


Desktop version info

Joplin 3.2.12 (prod, win32)

Client-ID: 725a25cc1d854272a691aaac2baba0db
Sync-Version: 3
Profil-Version: 47
Unterstützter Schlüsselbund: Ja

Revision: d6f1ca4

Backup: 1.4.2
Conflict Resolution: 1.2.3
Copy Anchor Link: 1.1.0
Delete unlinked resources: 1.0.0
Freehand Drawing: 2.14.0
LanguageTool integration: 0.1.0
Templates: 2.4.0


Rich Text Editor

What issue do you have?


having a note with references to a "own" header line (# end) like

[absolute reference-link#end](:/<own-note-id>#end)

isn't working anymore...

If the note-id is not the own one, it points to another note, it is working...

Only "relative" Links like

 [relative reference-link#end](#end)

are working within the note.

Is this different behavior (compared to earlier versions) a "new feature" or is it a bug?

Best regards


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Not working for couple of versions already.
I may advice on fix if someone will be interested as I believe I've fixed in on my local through code changes.