Yarn install Error on Windows

OS: Windows
Node: v16.13.2
NPM: 6.14.15
Yarn: 3.1.1

I have followed all the steps given at:

I did the following:

  1. corepack enable (successful)
  2. yarn install -g windows-build-tools --vs2015 (successful)
  3. yarn install from root of the project (failed)

PS C:\joplin-final\joplin> yarn install
➤ YN0000: ┌ Resolution step
➤ YN0002: │ aws-sdk/client-s3 npm:3.44.0 doesn't provide aws-sdk/signature-v4-crt (p6155d), requested
by aws-sdk/middleware-sdk-s3
➤ YN0002: │ aws-sdk/s3-request-presigner npm:3.44.0 doesn't provide aws-sdk/signature-v4-crt (pf5946),
requested by aws-sdk/middleware-sdk-s3
➤ YN0060: │ joplin/app-desktop workspace:packages/app-desktop provides react (p420ff) with version 16.1
3.1, which doesn't satisfy what react-test-renderer requests
➤ YN0060: │ joplin/app-desktop workspace:packages/app-desktop provides react-dom (p2e5b2) with version
16.9.0, which doesn't satisfy what re-resizable requests
➤ YN0002: │ joplin/app-desktop workspace:packages/app-desktop doesn't provide react-is (p0cdf0), reques
ted by styled-components
➤ YN0060: │ joplin/app-mobile workspace:packages/app-mobile provides react (pb7acb) with version 17.0.2
, which doesn't satisfy what react-redux requests
➤ YN0060: │ joplin/app-mobile workspace:packages/app-mobile provides react-native (pbf89e) with version
0.66.1, which doesn't satisfy what react-native-webview requests
➤ YN0002: │ joplin/app-mobile workspace:packages/app-mobile doesn't provide react-native-windows (pb66a5), requested by react-native-fs
➤ YN0002: │ joplin/app-mobile workspace:packages/app-mobile doesn't provide tslib (p1cc78), requested by rollup/plugin-typescript
➤ YN0060: │ joplin/fork-htmlparser2 workspace:packages/fork-htmlparser2 provides eslint (p4ecde) with version 6.8.0, which doesn't satisfy what typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin and some of its descendants request
➤ YN0060: │ joplin/fork-htmlparser2 workspace:packages/fork-htmlparser2 provides eslint (p83f76) with version 6.8.0, which doesn't satisfy what typescript-eslint/parser requests
➤ YN0060: │ joplin/fork-htmlparser2 workspace:packages/fork-htmlparser2 provides jest (pa940f) with version 26.6.3, which doesn't satisfy what ts-jest requests
➤ YN0060: │ joplin/server workspace:packages/server provides sqlite3 (p9ac44) with version 4.2.0, which doesn't satisfy what rmp135/sql-ts and some of its descendants request
➤ YN0060: │ joplin/server workspace:packages/server provides sqlite3 (p05a2d) with version 4.2.0, which doesn't satisfy what knex requests
➤ YN0002: │ octokit/rest npm:16.43.2 doesn't provide octokit/core (p84523), requested by octokit/plug
➤ YN0002: │ react-native-codegen npm:0.0.7 doesn't provide babel/preset-env (pe4ee6), requested by jscodeshift
➤ YN0060: │ root workspace:. provides eslint (p2edfe) with version 7.32.0, which doesn't satisfy what eslint-plugin-react-hooks requests
➤ YN0000: │ Some peer dependencies are incorrectly met; run yarn explain peer-requirements for de
tails, where is the six-letter p-prefixed code
➤ YN0000: └ Completed in 1s 289ms
➤ YN0000: ┌ Fetch step
➤ YN0013: │ yeoman-generator npm:2.0.5 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote
➤ YN0013: │ yeoman-generator npm:4.13.0 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote
➤ YN0013: │ ylru npm:1.2.1 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ yosay npm:2.0.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0013: │ zxcvbn npm:4.4.2 can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote registry
➤ YN0000: └ Completed in 26s 378ms
➤ YN0000: ┌ Link step
➤ YN0076: │ fsevents patch:fsevents npm%3A1.2.13#~builtin<compat/fsevents>::version=1.2.13&hash=18f3a7 T
he win32-x64 architecture is incompatible with this module, link skipped.
➤ YN0076: │ fsevents patch:fsevents npm%3A2.3.2#~builtin<compat/fsevents>::version=2.3.2&hash=18f3a7 The
win32-x64 architecture is incompatible with this module, link skipped.
➤ YN0076: │ 7zip-bin-linux npm:1.3.1 The win32-x64 architecture is incompatible with this module, link s
➤ YN0076: │ 7zip-bin-mac npm:1.0.1 The win32-x64 architecture is incompatible with this module, link skipped.
➤ YN0076: │ dmg-license npm:1.0.10 The win32-x64 architecture is incompatible with this module, link skipped.
➤ YN0076: │ iconv-corefoundation npm:1.1.7 The win32-x64 architecture is incompatible with this module,
link skipped.
➤ YN0007: │ joplin/app-clipper workspace:packages/app-clipper must be built because it never has been before or the last one failed
➤ YN0007: │ husky npm:3.1.0 must be built because it never has been before or the last one failed
➤ YN0007: │ nodemon npm:2.0.15 must be built because it never has been before or the last one failed
➤ YN0007: │ keytar npm:7.7.0 must be built because it never has been before or the last one failed
➤ YN0007: │ sharp npm:0.26.3 must be built because it never has been before or the last one failed
➤ YN0007: │ sqlite3 npm:5.0.2 [ea905] must be built because it never has been before or the last one failed
➤ YN0007: │ core-js npm:2.6.12 must be built because it never has been before or the last one failed
➤ YN0007: │ sharp npm:0.25.4 must be built because it never has been before or the last one failed
➤ YN0007: │ fortawesome/fontawesome-free npm:5.15.4 must be built because it never has been before or t
he last one failed
➤ YN0007: │ electron npm:14.1.0 must be built because it never has been before or the last one failed
➤ YN0007: │ lzma-native npm:8.0.1 must be built because it never has been before or the last one failed
➤ YN0007: │ fortawesome/fontawesome-common-types npm:0.2.36 must be built because it never has been bef
ore or the last one failed
➤ YN0007: │ ejs npm:2.7.4 must be built because it never has been before or the last one failed
➤ YN0007: │ sqlite3 npm:4.2.0 must be built because it never has been before or the last one failed
➤ YN0009: │ sqlite3 npm:4.2.0 couldn't be built successfully (exit code 1, logs can be found here: C:\Us
➤ YN0007: │ root workspace:. must be built because it never has been before or the last one failed
➤ YN0007: │ joplin/app-desktop workspace:packages/app-desktop must be built because it never has been b
efore or the last one failed
➤ YN0007: │ joplin/app-mobile workspace:packages/app-mobile must be built because it never has been bef
ore or the last one failed
➤ YN0007: │ fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core npm:1.2.36 must be built because it never has been before
or the last one failed
➤ YN0007: │ fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons npm:5.15.4 must be built because it never has been befor
e or the last one failed
➤ YN0007: │ fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons npm:5.15.4 must be built because it never has been before
or the last one failed
➤ YN0009: │ joplin/app-desktop workspace:packages/app-desktop couldn't be built successfully (exit code
1, logs can be found here: C:\Users\shrid\AppData\Local\Temp\xfs-584b8814\build.log)
➤ YN0009: │ root workspace:. couldn't be built successfully (exit code 1, logs can be found here: C:\Use
➤ YN0000: └ Completed in 66m 34s
➤ YN0000: Failed with errors in 67m 3s

Any suggestions on what I should do?

check this log

Also next time when posting logs wrap them in 3 backticks (```)

This file contains the result of Yarn building a package (root workspace:.)

Script name: postinstall

[e[90m20:14:24e[39m] Using gulpfile C:\joplin-final\joplin\gulpfile.js
[e[90m20:14:24e[39m] Starting 'build'...
> yarn [ 'run', 'buildParallel' ]
➤ YN0000: [joplin]: Process started
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]: Process started
➤ YN0000: [joplin]: [e[90m20:14:36e[39m] Using gulpfile C:\joplin-final\joplin\packages\app-cli\gulpfile.js
➤ YN0000: [joplin]: [e[90m20:14:36e[39m] Starting 'build'...
➤ YN0000: [joplin]: [e[90m20:14:36e[39m] Starting 'prepareBuild'...
➤ YN0000: [joplin]: [e[90m20:14:36e[39m] Finished 'prepareBuild' after 230 ms
➤ YN0000: [joplin]: [e[90m20:14:36e[39m] Finished 'build' after 235 ms
➤ YN0000: [joplin]: Process exited (exit code 0), completed in 6s 118ms
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-mobile]: Process started
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]: [e[90m20:14:36e[39m] Using gulpfile C:\joplin-final\joplin\packages\app-desktop\gulpfile.js
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]: [e[90m20:14:36e[39m] Starting 'build'...
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]: [e[90m20:14:36e[39m] Starting 'compileScripts'...
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]: [e[90m20:14:36e[39m] Starting 'compilePackageInfo'...
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]: [e[90m20:14:36e[39m] Starting 'copyPluginAssets'...
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]: [e[90m20:14:36e[39m] Starting 'copyApplicationAssets'...
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]: [e[90m20:14:36e[39m] Starting 'updateIgnoredTypeScriptBuild'...
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]: [e[90m20:14:36e[39m] Starting 'buildCommandIndex'...
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]: [e[90m20:14:36e[39m] Starting 'compileSass'...
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]: Compiling C:\joplin-final\joplin\packages\app-desktop\tools/../gui/ExtensionBadge.jsx...
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]: [e[90m20:14:37e[39m] The following tasks did not complete: build, compileScripts, compilePackageInfo, copyPluginAssets, copyApplicationAssets, updateIgnoredTypeScriptBuild, buildCommandIndex, compileSass
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]: [e[90m20:14:37e[39m] Did you forget to signal async completion?
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]: 
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]: Error: spawnSync yarn ENOENT
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]:     at Object.spawnSync (node:internal/child_process:1083:20)
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]:     at spawnSync (node:child_process:812:24)
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]:     at C:\joplin-final\joplin\packages\app-desktop\tools\compileScripts.js:33:19
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]:     at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]:     at convertJsx (C:\joplin-final\joplin\packages\app-desktop\tools\compileScripts.js:19:23)
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]:     at module.exports (C:\joplin-final\joplin\packages\app-desktop\tools\compileScripts.js:47:2)
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]:     at taskWrapper (C:\joplin-final\joplin\packages\app-desktop\node_modules\undertaker\lib\set-task.js:13:15)
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]:     at bound (node:domain:421:15)
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]:     at runBound (node:domain:432:12)
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]:     at asyncRunner (C:\joplin-final\joplin\packages\app-desktop\node_modules\async-done\index.js:55:18) {
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]:   errno: -4058,
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]:   code: 'ENOENT',
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]:   syscall: 'spawnSync yarn',
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]:   path: 'yarn',
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]:   spawnargs: [
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]:     'run',
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]:     'babel',
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]:     '--presets',
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]:     'react',
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]:     '--out-file',
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]:     'C:\\joplin-final\\joplin\\packages\\app-desktop\\tools/../gui/ExtensionBadge.min.js',
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]:     'C:\\joplin-final\\joplin\\packages\\app-desktop\\tools/../gui/ExtensionBadge.jsx'
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]:   ]
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]: }
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]: Process exited (exit code 1), completed in 6s 646ms
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/fork-htmlparser2]: Process started
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-mobile]: [e[90m20:14:43e[39m] Using gulpfile C:\joplin-final\joplin\packages\app-mobile\gulpfile.js
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-mobile]: [e[90m20:14:43e[39m] Starting 'build'...
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-mobile]: [e[90m20:14:43e[39m] Starting 'buildInjectedJs'...
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-mobile]: Building CodeMirror bundle...
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/fork-htmlparser2]: Process exited (exit code 0), completed in 18s 692ms
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/server]: Process started
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/server]: [e[90m20:15:02e[39m] Using gulpfile C:\joplin-final\joplin\packages\server\gulpfile.js
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/server]: [e[90m20:15:02e[39m] Starting 'build'...
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/server]: [e[90m20:15:02e[39m] Starting 'compilePackageInfo'...
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/server]: Generated C:\joplin-final\joplin\packages\server/dist/packageInfo.js
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/server]: [e[90m20:15:02e[39m] Finished 'compilePackageInfo' after 340 ms
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/server]: [e[90m20:15:02e[39m] Finished 'build' after 346 ms
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/server]: Process exited (exit code 0), completed in 6s 401ms
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/turndown]: Process started
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/turndown]: 
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/turndown]: src/turndown.js → lib/turndown.cjs.js...
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/turndown]: created lib/turndown.cjs.js in 688ms
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/turndown]: Process exited (exit code 0), completed in 2s 706ms
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/turndown-plugin-gfm]: Process started
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/turndown-plugin-gfm]: 
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/turndown-plugin-gfm]: src/gfm.js → lib/turndown-plugin-gfm.cjs.js...
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/turndown-plugin-gfm]: created lib/turndown-plugin-gfm.cjs.js in 151ms
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/turndown-plugin-gfm]: Process exited (exit code 0), completed in 1s 858ms
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-mobile]: Creating: C:\joplin-final\joplin/packages/app-mobile/lib/rnInjectedJs/webviewLib.js
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-mobile]: Creating: C:\joplin-final\joplin/packages/app-mobile/lib/rnInjectedJs/CodeMirror.bundle.js
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-mobile]: [e[90m20:15:25e[39m] Finished 'buildInjectedJs' after 42 s
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-mobile]: [e[90m20:15:25e[39m] Starting 'encodeAssets'...
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-mobile]: [e[90m20:15:27e[39m] Finished 'encodeAssets' after 1.68 s
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-mobile]: [e[90m20:15:27e[39m] Starting 'podInstall'...
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-mobile]: [e[90m20:15:27e[39m] Finished 'podInstall' after 1.25 ms
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-mobile]: [e[90m20:15:27e[39m] Finished 'build' after 44 s
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-mobile]: Process exited (exit code 0), completed in 50s 326ms
➤ YN0000: Done in 56s 456ms
[e[90m20:15:27e[39m] 'build' errored after 1.03 min
[e[90m20:15:27e[39m] Error: Command failed with exit code 1: yarn run buildParallel
➤ YN0000: [joplin]: Process started
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]: Process started
➤ YN0000: [joplin]: [e[90m20:14:36e[39m] Using gulpfile C:\joplin-final\joplin\packages\app-cli\gulpfile.js
➤ YN0000: [joplin]: [e[90m20:14:36e[39m] Starting 'build'...
➤ YN0000: [joplin]: [e[90m20:14:36e[39m] Starting 'prepareBuild'...
➤ YN0000: [joplin]: [e[90m20:14:36e[39m] Finished 'prepareBuild' after 230 ms
➤ YN0000: [joplin]: [e[90m20:14:36e[39m] Finished 'build' after 235 ms
➤ YN0000: [joplin]: Process exited (exit code 0), completed in 6s 118ms
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-mobile]: Process started
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]: [e[90m20:14:36e[39m] Using gulpfile C:\joplin-final\joplin\packages\app-desktop\gulpfile.js
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]: [e[90m20:14:36e[39m] Starting 'build'...
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]: [e[90m20:14:36e[39m] Starting 'compileScripts'...
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]: [e[90m20:14:36e[39m] Starting 'compilePackageInfo'...
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]: [e[90m20:14:36e[39m] Starting 'copyPluginAssets'...
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]: [e[90m20:14:36e[39m] Starting 'copyApplicationAssets'...
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]: [e[90m20:14:36e[39m] Starting 'updateIgnoredTypeScriptBuild'...
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]: [e[90m20:14:36e[39m] Starting 'buildCommandIndex'...
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]: [e[90m20:14:36e[39m] Starting 'compileSass'...
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]: Compiling C:\joplin-final\joplin\packages\app-desktop\tools/../gui/ExtensionBadge.jsx...
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]: [e[90m20:14:37e[39m] The following tasks did not complete: build, compileScripts, compilePackageInfo, copyPluginAssets, copyApplicationAssets, updateIgnoredTypeScriptBuild, buildCommandIndex, compileSass
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]: [e[90m20:14:37e[39m] Did you forget to signal async completion?
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]: 
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]: Error: spawnSync yarn ENOENT
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]:     at Object.spawnSync (node:internal/child_process:1083:20)
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]:     at spawnSync (node:child_process:812:24)
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]:     at C:\joplin-final\joplin\packages\app-desktop\tools\compileScripts.js:33:19
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]:     at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]:     at convertJsx (C:\joplin-final\joplin\packages\app-desktop\tools\compileScripts.js:19:23)
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]:     at module.exports (C:\joplin-final\joplin\packages\app-desktop\tools\compileScripts.js:47:2)
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]:     at taskWrapper (C:\joplin-final\joplin\packages\app-desktop\node_modules\undertaker\lib\set-task.js:13:15)
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]:     at bound (node:domain:421:15)
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]:     at runBound (node:domain:432:12)
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]:     at asyncRunner (C:\joplin-final\joplin\packages\app-desktop\node_modules\async-done\index.js:55:18) {
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]:   errno: -4058,
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]:   code: 'ENOENT',
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]:   syscall: 'spawnSync yarn',
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]:   path: 'yarn',
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]:   spawnargs: [
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]:     'run',
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]:     'babel',
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]:     '--presets',
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]:     'react',
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]:     '--out-file',
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]:     'C:\\joplin-final\\joplin\\packages\\app-desktop\\tools/../gui/ExtensionBadge.min.js',
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]:     'C:\\joplin-final\\joplin\\packages\\app-desktop\\tools/../gui/ExtensionBadge.jsx'
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]:   ]
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]: }
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-desktop]: Process exited (exit code 1), completed in 6s 646ms
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/fork-htmlparser2]: Process started
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-mobile]: [e[90m20:14:43e[39m] Using gulpfile C:\joplin-final\joplin\packages\app-mobile\gulpfile.js
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-mobile]: [e[90m20:14:43e[39m] Starting 'build'...
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-mobile]: [e[90m20:14:43e[39m] Starting 'buildInjectedJs'...
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-mobile]: Building CodeMirror bundle...
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/fork-htmlparser2]: Process exited (exit code 0), completed in 18s 692ms
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/server]: Process started
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/server]: [e[90m20:15:02e[39m] Using gulpfile C:\joplin-final\joplin\packages\server\gulpfile.js
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/server]: [e[90m20:15:02e[39m] Starting 'build'...
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/server]: [e[90m20:15:02e[39m] Starting 'compilePackageInfo'...
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/server]: Generated C:\joplin-final\joplin\packages\server/dist/packageInfo.js
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/server]: [e[90m20:15:02e[39m] Finished 'compilePackageInfo' after 340 ms
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/server]: [e[90m20:15:02e[39m] Finished 'build' after 346 ms
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/server]: Process exited (exit code 0), completed in 6s 401ms
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/turndown]: Process started
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/turndown]: 
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/turndown]: src/turndown.js → lib/turndown.cjs.js...
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/turndown]: created lib/turndown.cjs.js in 688ms
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/turndown]: Process exited (exit code 0), completed in 2s 706ms
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/turndown-plugin-gfm]: Process started
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/turndown-plugin-gfm]: 
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/turndown-plugin-gfm]: src/gfm.js → lib/turndown-plugin-gfm.cjs.js...
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/turndown-plugin-gfm]: created lib/turndown-plugin-gfm.cjs.js in 151ms
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/turndown-plugin-gfm]: Process exited (exit code 0), completed in 1s 858ms
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-mobile]: Creating: C:\joplin-final\joplin/packages/app-mobile/lib/rnInjectedJs/webviewLib.js
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-mobile]: Creating: C:\joplin-final\joplin/packages/app-mobile/lib/rnInjectedJs/CodeMirror.bundle.js
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-mobile]: [e[90m20:15:25e[39m] Finished 'buildInjectedJs' after 42 s
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-mobile]: [e[90m20:15:25e[39m] Starting 'encodeAssets'...
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-mobile]: [e[90m20:15:27e[39m] Finished 'encodeAssets' after 1.68 s
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-mobile]: [e[90m20:15:27e[39m] Starting 'podInstall'...
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-mobile]: [e[90m20:15:27e[39m] Finished 'podInstall' after 1.25 ms
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-mobile]: [e[90m20:15:27e[39m] Finished 'build' after 44 s
➤ YN0000: [  joplin/app-mobile]: Process exited (exit code 0), completed in 50s 326ms
➤ YN0000: Done in 56s 456ms
    at makeError (C:\joplin-final\joplin\packages\tools\node_modules\execa\lib\error.js:59:11)
    at handlePromise (C:\joplin-final\joplin\packages\tools\node_modules\execa\index.js:114:26)
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
    at async fn (C:\joplin-final\joplin\gulpfile.js:35:5)

Here's the log.
I don't understand what's the problem here?
What should I do?

Can you change the file as specified in the following post? I remember this from before christmas but never got around to looking at testing the change on other OSs.

I don't understand this random ENOENT error, since input file definitely exist. I've fixed several of these random errors on CI but didn't get it on compileScript so didn't do anything for this task.

In the meantime, maybe try to run the install command again until it works without an error.

Edit: Right, it might be the yarn.cmd issue, so try Daeraxa's solution first.

Thankss!! It worked.

Well what do you know, this missing { shell: true } is what broke the latest Windows pre-release too (and also the fact that error codes were not handled properly and a broken app was published). That's now fixed in here.

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