WYSIWYG editor in Joplin

I would like a nice editor on mobile since using markdown with a mobile keyboard is painful. Please add an option to enable a nice editor. If you do not want an editor, just disable it in the options.

There are no editors for mobile.

I thought this was built as an alternative to Evernote? EN has WYSIWYG. Honestly, I wouldnā€™t care if it were plain text like Windows Notepad. Iā€™m not a fan of 3 panes. I would prefer to have just one pane to type and read. But what I want to read is MY NOTE, not a bunch of Mark Up, Mark Down, Mucked Up garbage. I set the layout to Output, but then I canā€™t edit it without switching. Iā€™d be happy just to be able to edit on the same screen Iā€™m reading. And by Edit, I mean simply changing text. I donā€™t need this to be a synchronized 156 GB version of Microsoft Office. Although Iā€™m not a developer, I can figure out what the additional text means, but I shouldnā€™t have to. Keep in mind, youā€™re catering to a large crowd. Keep it simple.

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Iā€™m fairly certain Joplin isnā€™t catering to the large crowd that uses Evernote and Onenote but to people that want to use Markdown.

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Itā€™s true that Joplin is not catering to a big crowd, but perhaps itā€™s appeal has reached a broad enough level now that itā€™s catching on with a larger group of people that donā€™t care as much about markdown specifically. Perhaps itā€™s attracted users looking for an open-source, bring-your-own-backend, use-on-many devices, note-taking app.

Closing topic as everything has been said about it. We all know that having this feature would be nice but thatā€™s a lot of work and nobody is willing to work on it at the moment.