Future of Joplin

Hi @thwaller and all contributors to this thread.

Joplin is "An open source note taking and to-do application with synchronisation capabilities" (by definition from the website). This definition is closer to note-taking apps such as Evernote or OneNote. The closeness comes from similar features: easy note creation, easy use on multiple devices. The use is "extension of brain" by taking notes and re-finding them when needed.

Joplin seems to attract non-technical end-users because it is an easy note-taking tools and also coders/programmers because it is based on markdown.

There are tons of text-editors for programmers (vi, emacs, eclipse, atom, vscode, ...). The reason is that coders tend to love to create tools for themself. That is why there will always be new text editors for programmers. No need to turn Joplin into one.

There is much still to do for Joplin to become a better Note-taking tool with sync.

Example: Making a WYSIWYG editor. @laurent writes: "We all know that having this feature would be nice but that’s a lot of work and nobody is willing to work on it at the moment." WYSIWYG editor in JoplinThat sums it up great and I remember Frank Karlitschek saying similar things about many KDE projects: programmers like to program stuff for themselves, but when it comes to program something for end users and it is hard, it is hard to find volunteers that invest years of their life into it.

That said: we need people to work on tickets. To be sustainable for decades to come, we would need dozens of active code committers.

Regarding pushing notes from Joplin to other tools, I proposed an architecture change/extension to Joplin that would change direction towards a hybrid between note-taking and text editing in an existing folder structure. That will still take years or decades to materialize and may also never happen. If you are interested in my idea, check it out here: