1. Progress
Crafting summaries in the panel
- users can craft their summaries in the panel by adjusting the length and choosing the algorithm. KMeans Clustering can be performed multiple times, each time outputting different summaries due to different centroids.
- clicking on the notes in the project tree in the panel will also open the note in Joplin
- after crafting summaries, the summarized notes are highlighted with a green color
- summaries are persistently stored in the database (userDataGet, userDataSet)
Summarizing in the Joplin app
- crafting summaries via the note context menu will make the summaries appear in the original notes
- summaries will also appear and be stored in the panel
2. Plan
- Releasing
the plugin this Wednesday!!!
- improve styling
- implement an option to add a custom summary title
- connecting notebook and editor context menus to the panel
- adding option to create summaries in the Joplin's notes or not
- allow users to open/close panels with keyboard shortcuts and by clicking a button in the Joplin'stoolbar
- extra: allow users to put the new summaries in the new note, suggestion by @Daeraxa
- Improving KMeans Clustering with word2vec and dimensionality reduction
- Improving LSA by understanding and implementing diversity and awareness and trying to use LSA with word2vec
- Experimenting with using word2ved for LexRank
- Starting to implement minimal code for a general web worker in Joplin's core app to run Transformers.js
3. Problems
- LSA and KMeans Clustering sometimes don't work well in short text with bullet points -> more preprocessing.
- KMeans clustering sometimes doesn't run if some n clusters exceed the number of characters in a text -> discrete n clusters < number of characters condition. Maybe exclude super-long summaries since, from the survey, 5 voters prefer shorter summaries over long summaries.
- Selecting multiple text in a note and summarizing it may not open Joplin's dialog -> transfer that text into the panel and let users craft summaries there.
- Not many engagements in the survey -> more frequent "advertising" and posting the survey to GSoC Discord group chat