Webclipper port with joplin terminal

I'm trying to set up a headless Joplin server running in a Docker container using the "joplin server start" command, with the goal of being able to interact with the web clipper API remotely (i.e. from another Docker container).
I notice that there is an "api.port" setting which can be configured via "joplin config", however the server's bind address is hard-coded to '', which makes it impossible to access it from outside the Docker container.
Could you please consider adding an "api.host" configuration setting that would enable binding to ""?

The goal here being to set up a headless server running in the cloud to facilitate integration with n8n.io or Zapier: specifically, a cloud-based "email to Joplin" workflow, where emails sent to an IMAP email inbox get added to Joplin as notes. I've got this mostly working by installing Joplin alongside n8n.io in the same Docker image, but it would be much cleaner to have a separate headless Joplin container listening on

Let me know if I'm making sense. :slight_smile:

EDIT: Just noticed this thread. Have security issues been resolved with the use of the "api.token", such that (optional) use of with a required secret token would be secure enough? I'm by no means a security expert, but it seems so to me. Cheers.