Sync in iOS with Dropbox on large Evernote import collection #7429

I created a bug in GitHub as recommended for this:


Joplin version: 2.8.8
Platform: MacOS
OS specifics: Ventura 13.0.1

Android version 2.8.1
Google Pixel 6
Android version 13 (updated November 4, 2022)

Steps to reproduce

  1. Imported notebooks, very large Evernote exports.
  2. Synced with Android phone. Everything worked properly
  3. Enabled encryption on the Mac
  4. Synced with Android. Some items missing.
  5. For weeks, sync on Mac hangs and does not complete. Changes on Android sometimes sync to Mac. Changes on Mac do not sync to Android.
  6. NOted that I was syncing the Joplin app to the desktop file system. Discovered in troubleshooting that is not necessary and creates problems. Turned off selective sync for that subfolder.
    7. MacOS hangs on syncing messages like

    Created local items: 8.

Fetched items: 4315/4500.

When cancelled:

Last error: Error: On file POST files/list_folder: Error (429): {"error_summary": "too_many_requests/..", "error": {"reason": {".tag": "too_many_requests"}, "retry_after": 300}}

2:06:42: Synchronizer: There was some errors:
log @ Logger.ts:219
warn @ Logger.ts:92
(anonymous) @ Synchronizer.ts:260
fulfilled @ /Applications/
processTicksAndRejections @ internal/process/task_queues.js:95
Promise.then (async)
step @ /Applications/
fulfilled @ /Applications/
processTicksAndRejections @ internal/process/task_queues.js:95
Promise.then (async)
step @ /Applications/
fulfilled @ /Applications/
processTicksAndRejections @ internal/process/task_queues.js:95
Promise.then (async)
step @ /Applications/
(anonymous) @ /Applications/
__awaiter @ /Applications/
logSyncSummary @ Synchronizer.ts:240
(anonymous) @ Synchronizer.ts:1136
fulfilled @ /Applications/
processTicksAndRejections @ internal/process/task_queues.js:95
Promise.then (async)
step @ /Applications/
fulfilled @ /Applications/
processTicksAndRejections @ internal/process/task_queues.js:95
Promise.then (async)
step @ /Applications/
rejected @ /Applications/
Promise.then (async)
step @ /Applications/
fulfilled @ /Applications/
Promise.then (async)
step @ /Applications/
fulfilled @ /Applications/
Promise.then (async)
step @ /Applications/
fulfilled @ /Applications/
Promise.then (async)
step @ /Applications/
fulfilled @ /Applications/
Promise.then (async)
step @ /Applications/
fulfilled @ /Applications/
Promise.then (async)
step @ /Applications/
fulfilled @ /Applications/
Promise.then (async)
step @ /Applications/
fulfilled @ /Applications/
Promise.then (async)
step @ /Applications/
fulfilled @ /Applications/
Promise.then (async)
step @ /Applications/
fulfilled @ /Applications/
Promise.then (async)
step @ /Applications/
fulfilled @ /Applications/
Promise.then (async)
step @ /Applications/
fulfilled @ /Applications/
Promise.then (async)
step @ /Applications/
fulfilled @ /Applications/
Promise.then (async)
step @ /Applications/
fulfilled @ /Applications/
Promise.then (async)
step @ /Applications/
fulfilled @ /Applications/
Promise.then (async)
step @ /Applications/
fulfilled @ /Applications/
Promise.then (async)
step @ /Applications/
fulfilled @ /Applications/
Promise.then (async)
step @ /Applications/
fulfilled @ /Applications/
Promise.then (async)
step @ /Applications/
fulfilled @ /Applications/
Promise.then (async)
step @ /Applications/
fulfilled @ /Applications/
Promise.then (async)
step @ /Applications/
fulfilled @ /Applications/
Promise.then (async)
step @ /Applications/
fulfilled @ /Applications/
Promise.then (async)
step @ /Applications/
fulfilled @ /Applications/
Promise.then (async)
step @ /Applications/
fulfilled @ /Applications/
Promise.then (async)
step @ /Applications/
fulfilled @ /Applications/
Promise.then (async)
step @ /Applications/
fulfilled @ /Applications/
Promise.then (async)
step @ /Applications/
fulfilled @ /Applications/
Promise.then (async)
step @ /Applications/
fulfilled @ /Applications/
Logger.ts:219 12:06:42: Synchronizer: Error: On file GET files/download: Error (429): {"error_summary": "too_many_requests/...", "error": {"reason": {".tag": "too_many_requests"}, "retry_after": 300}}
at newError (/Applications/
at DropboxApi.exec (/Applications/
at runMicrotasks ()
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95)
at async FileApiDriverDropbox.get (/Applications/

12:08:52: Saving note... {id: '4abd72f06eee4608a465574ef6a5faaf', parent_id: 'a04aca668a7d411e96eadbb92ff6aece', title: 'Joplin sync problem', body: 'New item\n\nMacOS version 2.8.8\nSyncing with Dropbox… have tried "reupload local data to sync target"\n'}

12:08:56: CodeMirror: execCommand {name: 'textPaste', value: undefined}name: "textPaste"value: undefined[[Prototype]]: Object
Logger.ts:219 12:08:57: Saving note... {id: '4abd72f06eee4608a465574ef6a5faaf', parent_id: 'a04aca668a7d411e96eadbb92ff6aece', title: 'Joplin sync problem', body: 'New item\n\nMacOS version 2.8.8\nSyncing with Dropbox… have tried "reupload local data to sync target"\n'}

Tried multiple times, have tried "reupload local data to sync target"

Describe what you expected to happen

Changes on the MacOS sync to dropbox, then up to Android device.


Slightly to large (28mb) to upload. Download from this link: log-copy.txt

Update: This has started working. I think it MIGHT have been that the Android app was not completing its sync.

That app sync is problematic: It cancels itself when I move emphasis back to the app from another app. When I needed a large sync completed, I had to put my phone a long ways away and not touch it, hoping nobody called.

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