Support Markdown Alerts

In 2023 GitHub introduced "Alerts" (New Markdown extension: Alerts provide distinctive styling for significant content - GitHub Changelog), which have become invaluable for many users to make Markdown files much more readable. They are now starting to become a standard in many editors.

It would be great to have them supported in Joplin as well.

I know there is a Joplin Admonition Plugin (GitHub - maxnegro/joplin-plugin-admonition: Joplin markdown plugin for custom containers). However, this is no longer maintained (the last commit is from 4 years ago), and use a completely different syntax.

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The is also the Alerts Perfect Plugin which appears to use the same block quote style used by GitHub although the render style is different.

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Thank you very much, I had somehow missed that!

I also see that someone else has already asked about the compatibility with the GitHub Alerts (GitHub flavour · Issue #1 · jl15988/joplin-plugin-alerts-perfect · GitHub).

It is unfortunate that this plugin contains only a few commits from a year ago. I hope the author decides to continue to update it.

Do you think it is a feature that will be introduced soon directly into Joplin? (like the support for other Markdown features, KaTeX, or Mermaid)

hey @daniporr
When I saw GitHub Alerts I immediately loved the idea and decided to write plugin for it on my own.

Plugin forum page:

Plugin catalog: Github Alerts