Share your CSS

The ==mark== syntax and search facility both highlight the text by an orange background. However, you can affect their look in your userstyle.css:

mark                            { background-color: #BBDD66; }  /* green for your own marking */
mark[data-markjs]               { background-color: #F3B717; }  /* orange */
mark[data-markjs].mark-selected { background-color: #CF3F00; }  /* reddish orange */

Or, if you want green and orange switched, just:

mark[data-markjs]               { background-color: #BBDD66; }  /* green */
mark[data-markjs].mark-selected { background-color: #6B8E23; }  /* dark green */

Your own markings do not add attributes to the <mark> tag, as the search mechanism does. More technical backgrounds can be found here.