Share your CSS

Very cool, uar!

At the moment, I have not found a way to target the selected state of the notebook from CSS. I just made a request for the same, since I’d like to change that as well (See: Cleaner design of the sidebar?)

You can target the menu highlight with:

.editor-toolbar .button:not(.disabled):hover, .header .button:not(.disabled):hover{
 background-color: orange !important;
 border: 1px solid orange !important;

For the back and forth and tag button, you can remove them by:

#react-root>div>div>div:last-child>div>div>.editor-toolbar a:nth-child(1), #react-root>div>div>div:last-child>div>div>.editor-toolbar a:nth-child(2), #react-root>div>div>div:last-child>div>div>.editor-toolbar a:nth-child(5){
	display: none !important

You can see I’m counting the number of buttons in the row to target them, so keep an eye on this. New versions might have a different number of buttons.

As for the info button, I agree, I am not sure how to do this with CSS.

Hope that helps!

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