← laurent22:codemirror_theme_update
opened 04:22PM - 10 Jul 21 UTC
The goal of this pull request is to make the CodeMirror style look more like for…matted text and less like code. In practice the changes are:
- Applied the currently loaded theme to the CodeMirror elements (bold, headers, rules, etc.)
- Increased the default font size so that it matches the viewer size
- Also tweaked the URL style so that both text and URL have the same colour, but the URL is slightly dimmed (50% opacity)
I assume it's mostly a positive change, but I'm putting it here in case anyone has any suggestion or can see any issue with this approach. Also @CalebJohn, I assume it won't conflict with your Rich Markdown editor but if you think it might (since I'm tweaking the CSS) let me know.
## Light theme
| Before | After |
| --- | --- |
| ![image](| ![image]( |
## Dracula theme
| Before | After |
| --- | --- |
| ![image](| ![image]( |