Please, setup the Support for Joplin. Joplin doesn't have support it all

Please, setup the Support for Joplin. Joplin doesn't have support it all.
How much times I assembled bugs. No answers. On GitHub - the owner of the project simply deleted my proposals and bugs. When after Google told to patch both of these bugs - you did it. Before - it is not interesting. Set up the Support of to write that Joplin doesn't have support. Or let Joplin will be the paid program. Support should be quick, great and efficient. In topics with a lot of answers. In the really needed topicks - no one or rejected and after remarks of Google - patched. It is not seriously.

Glad you read the license agreement and that whole section about no support, guarantees, fitness for purpose, merchantability and yada yada.

You can't pay people to support stuff like Joplin the same way you can't pay people to be good workers at call centers. Good support is provided by people who are passionate, not by people who see it as just a job.

And ultimately, not everything can be solved, even with enterprise support contracts, nevermind whatevver any random user thinks they can afford for problems that take 20 hours each.

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This forum is support. The subreddit is also support. Both have searching too to find issues others had prior to you.

Being open source, we are all volunteers.


These statements of "deleting proposals and bugs" are very important to me. Can you provide anything the supports these assertions? I'd like to verify.