Hello , i've an issue on Joplin server while i try to sync the phone app. The error code is:
Not allowed:PUT (Code 400).
I've tryed to delete my user and recreate, reinstall the phone app, but nothing is changed.
2021-06-23 11:15:24 stderr 2021-06-23 11:15:24: [error] App: 400: PUT /api/items/root:/testing.txt:/content : Not allowed: PUT
2021-06-23 11:15:24 stdout 2021-06-23 11:15:24: App: PUT /api/items/root:/testing.txt:/content
2021-06-23 11:15:23 stdout 2021-06-23 11:15:23: App: POST /api/sessions
2021-06-27 15:03:52: App: Starting server v2.1.1 (prod) on port 22300 and PID 26...
2021-06-27 15:03:52: App: Running in Docker: true
2021-06-27 15:08:33: App: GET /api/items/root:/locks/*:/children (7ms)
2021-06-27 15:08:33: App: GET /api/items/root:/locks/*:/children (9ms)
2021-06-27 15:08:33: [error] App: 400: PUT /api/batch_items : Not allowed: PUT
2021-06-27 15:08:33: App: PUT /api/batch_items (1ms)
2021-06-27 15:08:36: App: GET / (0ms)
2021-06-27 15:08:36: App: GET /login (6ms)
2021-06-27 15:08:37: [error] App: 400: PUT /api/batch_items : Not allowed: PUT
2021-06-27 15:08:37: App: PUT /api/batch_items (1ms)
2021-06-27 15:08:45: [error] App: 400: PUT /api/batch_items : Not allowed: PUT
2021-06-27 15:08:45: App: PUT /api/batch_items (1ms)
2021-06-27 15:08:55: [error] App: 400: PUT /api/batch_items : Not allowed: PUT
Same error here with joplin/server:latest. Actually I just upgrated my jolin desktop app to 2.1.7. Seems like a bug with 2.1.7. Didn't have this issue with the previous version 2.x.x
Desktop app version? There's a bug with "ota" update. On the joplin site there isn't the 2.1.7 app. I think it is only pre-release version. Just download 2.0.11
For Joplin Server you should use the latest beta, so that would be 2.1.7-beta I think (you can check on Docker Hub) and for now manually upgrade when a new beta is released. Eventually there will be a stable release on /latest you can rely on long term but for now it's best to always install the latest beta.
I guess the "latest" tag for the docker image is not pointed to the 2.x versions. You have to edit you docker-compose.yml and change the tag to a 2.x version, as you can see here: Tags (in you case replace "latest" with "2.1.6-beta").
From what @laurent has said on this forum, the server software is currently still in beta and so all published images are beta versions and should be selected in the docker-compose file using its specific version, eg server:2.2.7-beta. When the server software is considered suitable to be "released" that image version will additionally be tagged :latest.
I believe that from then on :latest will indicate the latest Release version with :x.x.x-beta (or possibly something similar) indicating a Pre-release. So from then onwards if you use the :latest tag you will only get an image considered suitable for use.
It's similar to the way the desktop client software uses Release and Pre-Release.
IIRC laurent mentioned the current :latest tag was issued in error to Server v2.1.1-beta, hence it has not been used since as there is currently no release version. That being said, from what I have read the first release version of the server software is likely not that far off.